
sell out是什么意思 sell out在线翻译 sell out什么意思 sell out的意思 sell out的翻译 sell out的解释 sell out的发音 sell out的同义词

sell out [sel aut]  [sɛl aʊt] 

sell out 基本解释

sell out的意思

卖掉; 出售股份; 脱销; <非正>背叛

sell out 相关例句


1. sell out的意思

1. The shop sold out all their shirts.

sell out 网络解释

1. sell out的反义词

1. 卖完;出售货物:sell off 廉价出清(存货) | sell out 卖完;出售货物 | sell up 卖光

2. 卖完:Shelf货架 | Sell out卖完 | Be out of stock缺货

3. 售完:852. seem to do sth.似乎是,仿佛 | 853. sell out 售完 | 854. send for 派人去叫,

4. 卖完, 出卖:see ...off 为某人送行 | sell out 卖完,出卖 | send for 派人去叫请

sell out 词典解释

1. 售完;售罄
    If a shop sells out of something, it sells all its stocks of it, so that there is no longer any left for people to buy.

sell out是什么意思

    e.g. Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins...
    e.g. The next day the bookshops sold out.

2. (演出、体育赛事等的门票)销售一空,卖光
    If a performance, sports event, or other entertainment sells out, all the tickets for it are sold.


    e.g. Football games often sell out well in advance.

3. 售完;脱销
    When things sell out, all of them that are available are sold.


    e.g. Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately...
    e.g. Tickets for the show sold out in 70 minutes.
           演出门票在 70 分钟内即告售罄。

4. 出卖原则;向敌对势力屈服
    If you accuse someone of selling out, you disapprove of the fact that they do something which used to be against their principles, or give in to an opposing group.

    e.g. The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics...
    e.g. Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism.

5. sell out 同 sell up
    Sell out means the same as sell up .

    e.g. I hear she's going to sell out and move to the city.

6. see also: sell-out;sold out

sell out 单语例句

1. Han said bringing financing into liquor trading allows buyers to track the market of listed companies and know when to buy in or sell out.

2. The pensioners moved out this summer and the group of villages that owns the castle wants to sell.

3. Remaining shareholders in Manchester United should sell out to new owner Malcolm Glazer, the club's board recommended Thursday.

4. Tickets for their concerts generally sell out on the first day they come out.

5. It can't address sites that go out of business and try to sell assets, including customer lists.

6. But with so many people signed up it'll still be a race against time to buy the toys before they sell out again.

7. They will only sell rice vermicelli after they have sold out the fresh, flat rice noodles.

8. Waste paper dealers pick out old books and sell them to flea markets.

9. Kate Moss'collections have been doing frightfully well back in Blighty, and will probably sell out in seconds here also.

10. The college was in a swirl of controversy, after media reported that it attempted to sell land to get out of the debt.

sell out 英英释义



1. give information that compromises others

2. get rid of all one's merchandise

    Synonym: sell upliquidize

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