
semi是什么意思 semi在线翻译 semi什么意思 semi的意思 semi的翻译 semi的解释 semi的发音 semi的同义词 semi的反义词 semi的例句 semi的相关词组

semi 基本解释

名词半独立式住宅; 半挂车

semi 网络解释

1. 国际半导体设备与材料组织:导体设备与材料组织(SEMI) ,国际电工委员会( IEC) 和国际照明委员会(CIE) 都程......摘要:在简要介绍自动抄表技术的发展背景及系统构成、综述目前该技术研究状况和发展趋势的基础上指出:自动抄表的安全性问题应受到足够重视;

2. 国际半导体设备材料标准:而且,国际半导体设备材料标准(SEMI)接单出货比(可借此透析全球半导体产业的需求量)在最近几个月内涨势明显,接近自2004年以来的最高水平. 这给台湾地区的出口前景尤其是技术行业带来了曙光.

3. 国际半导体设备与材料:然而令人遗憾的是,根据国际半导体设备与材料(SEMI)小组在9月21日提供的一份报告显示,订单总数并没有比预定单与发货清单之比好到哪儿去. 在今年8月份中,半导体设备订单数量比去年下降了75%. 不过Hodess认为,

4. 国际半导体设备和材料组织:际半导体设备和材料组织(SEMI) 区域性组织如: 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN) 欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC) 欧洲广播联盟(EBU) 亚洲大洋州开放系统互连研讨会(AOW) 亚洲电子数据交换理事会(ASEB) 世界技术经济发达国家的国家标准,

5. semi:semiconductorequipmentandmaterialsinternational; 半导体设备和材料协会

6. semi:semiconductorequipmentmaterialinternationalassociation; 国际半导体协会

semi 词典解释

The pronunciation /'semaɪ/ can also be used for meaning 3. 义项 3 也可读作 /'semaɪ/。

1. 半独立式住宅
    A semi is a semi-detached house.


2. (体育比赛中的)半决赛
    In a sporting competition, the semis are the semi-finals.


    e.g. He reached the semis after beating Lendl in the quarterfinal.
           在 1/4 决赛中他击败了伦德尔,闯入半决赛。

3. 半拖车;半挂车
    A semi is a semi-trailer .


semi 单语例句

1. The Treasury Department announced on Friday it will delay the publication of its semi - annual currency report to Congress.

2. WASHINGTON - The US Treasury Department announced Friday that it will delay the publication of its semi - annual currency report to Congress.

3. Garnish with semi dried tomatoes warmed in olive oil and some chopped arugula.

4. The light changed to green while his son was in front of a semi, which started moving.

5. SEMI is an industry association serving the manufacturing supply chain for the microelectronic, display and photovoltaic industries.

6. Move into the spirit of Christmas by feasting on our winter semi buffet.

7. Caf 99 at Regent Beijing offers a winter semi buffet for the Christmas season, featuring a traditional array of festive season tastes.

8. Chelsea are due to play Liverpool in a FA Cup semi final soccer match on Saturday.

9. Early reports said the bus hit a semi, but Graves said later the semi was not involved in the crash with the bus.

10. She has risen seven places in the world rankings in the past month, and made the semi finals of the World Junior Squash Championship in India last year.

semi 英英释义



1. a trailer having wheels only in the rear
    the front is supported by the towing vehicle

    Synonym: semitrailer

2. a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together

    Synonym: trailer trucktractor trailertrucking rigrigarticulated lorry

3. one of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament

    Synonym: semifinal

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