
send down是什么意思 send down在线翻译 send down什么意思 send down的意思 send down的翻译 send down的解释 send down的发音 send down的同义词

send down [send daun]  [sɛnd daʊn] 

send down 基本解释

使下降; 把…开除出学校,勒令…停学; 发下

send down 相关例句


1. Send these orders down to our branch office.

send down 情景对话


A:Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have.


B:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?

send down的翻译

A:I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.

B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?

A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.

B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?


A:The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.

B:Thank you.

send down 网络解释

1. 下降:send binary file 发送二进制文件 | send down 下降 | send for 召唤

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 开除:semitone 半音 | send down 开除 | senectitude 老年时期

3. send down

3. 使下降, 开除:I sent away for some rare books. 我函购了几本罕见的书. | send down 使下降, 开除 | As he was bad behaviour, he was sent down by the university. 由于他恶劣的行为被校方开除了.

4. 开除,退学:send away赶走,逐出,解雇 | send down开除,退学 | send for派人去叫(请),派人去拿

send down 词典解释

1. 开除;勒令退学
    If a student is sent down from their university or college, they are made to leave because they have behaved very badly.


    e.g. She wondered if he had been sent down for gambling.

in AM, use 美国英语用 be expelled

2. 判…入狱
    If someone who is on trial is sent down, they are found guilty and sent to prison.

    e.g. The two rapists were sent down for life in 1983.
           这两名强奸犯在 1983 年被判终身监禁。

in AM, use 美国英语用 send up

send down 单语例句

1. The pungency of mutton leaves me cold, and congealed fat on the plate send even more chills down the spine.

2. The city's hospitals will also send supporting teams of experienced doctors down to the grassroots units of each community health center to boost their effectiveness.

3. Owen fell awkwardly and twisted his right knee as he went down, forcing Eriksson to send on Peter Crouch as a fourth minute substitute.

4. But reality in movie town can quickly send dreams crashing down to earth.

5. After investigation, police tracked Ku down and asked Nepalese police to arrest him and send him back.

6. Wangfujing police said it had not noticed vendors selling fake invoices nearby, but a policewoman said they would send out officers to track them down.

7. But the United States and France expressed reluctance to send troops to put down the rebellion.

8. Rescuers have been drilling holes to pump more water and send down food.

9. Bernier said the next step will be to send down a remote controlled video camera to get actual pictures of the wreck.

10. Rescuers have been drilling holes to pump out water and send down food.

send down 英英释义


1. suspend temporarily from college or university, in England

    Synonym: rusticate

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