
sensibility是什么意思 sensibility在线翻译 sensibility什么意思 sensibility的意思 sensibility的翻译 sensibility的解释 sensibility的发音

sensibility [ˌsensəˈbɪləti]  [ˌsɛnsəˈbɪlɪti] 


sensibility 基本解释

名词情感; 敏感性,灵敏度; 感觉,感性; 感光性,感光度

sensibility 相关例句


1. We have to be careful not to offend our readers' sensibilities.

sensibility 网络解释

1. sensibility的翻译

1. 敏感性:我会使用些其他语言. 大约3年半前,我发现了Ruby. 其体的细节已经不太记得了,我开始)用Ruby,并且很喜欢它. 它将Lisp元编程能力中的有用部分与Smalltalk敏感性(sensibility)和整洁性(cleanliness)相结合,同时还兼具Perl的实用性.

2. 感度:1另外,系统思考还特指一种敏感度(sensibility),用来体悟和辨别赋予生命系统以独特个性的微妙的相互关联. 今天,系统思考比以往任何时候都更重要,因为我们所面对的复杂局面对我们的压力越来越大. 也许是有史以来头一次,人类能制造的信息量,

3. 感性:依康德,感性(sensibility)是接受性,接受外来的东西,由外物给我一个刺激,而我接受一个刺激就有一个呈现. 假如说时间空间就是此接受性的感性所发,这也是讲不通的,在此须再详细予以分析. 对象如山河大地是外在的对象(external object),

4. 感受性:然而,一般说来,这两种属性(attributes)可以彼种感觉性质,我们能够建立起一系列一维的(one-dimensional)感觉强度,它毫不间位(measurement-units)是一致的:一个小时如同一个小时的时间体验(time-(receptivity)称作感受性(sensibility)或者兴奋性(exc

sensibility 词典解释

1. 感受力;感悟力;鉴赏力
    Sensibility is the ability to experience deep feelings.


    e.g. Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.
    e.g. ...a man of sensibility.

2. 敏感;善感;感情
    Someone's sensibility is their tendency to be influenced or offended by things.


    e.g. He was unable to control his sensibility...
    e.g. The challenge offended their sensibilities.

sensibility 单语例句


1. Her stories and novels have a heightened sensibility toward anything visual or sensory but most film adaptations have failed to capture her exquisite essence.

2. " Lust " is " sensibility " while " caution " is " sense ".

3. The entries reveal a spare writing style that gives a concise sensibility into the private thoughts of the man known as the Great Communicator.

4. Shao said the photographs depicting the Forbidden City from unique angles are deeply reflective of the aesthetic taste and artistic sensibility of the photographer.

5. The resulting distortion is strangling Japan's sensibility toward diplomacy with neighboring countries.

6. But this show does have a homegrown sensibility, especially apparent in the juxtaposition of opposites.

7. The artist is known for painting winter and summer landscapes with a humanistic sensibility.

8. When he brought Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility to the screen in 1995, many were amazed at how idiomatically English it was.

9. She grew up shopping in our stores and is in tune with the fashion sensibility of our customer base.

10. Perhaps that explains his exceptional sensibility, maturity and the control evident in Zeng's brushstrokes when compared with many of his peers.


sensibility 英英释义


1. (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli
    the faculty of sensation

    e.g. sensitivity to pain

    Synonym: sensitivitysensitiveness

2. mental responsiveness and awareness

    Synonym: esthesiaaesthesia

3. refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions

    e.g. cruelty offended his sensibility

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