
sequel是什么意思 sequel在线翻译 sequel什么意思 sequel的意思 sequel的翻译 sequel的解释 sequel的发音 sequel的同义词 sequel的反义词 sequel的例句

sequel [ˈsi:kwəl]  [ˈsikwəl] 


sequel 基本解释

名词继续; 续集,续篇; 结局,后果; 余波


sequel 相关词组

1. in the sequel : 结果, 后来;

sequel 网络解释

1. 续集:最后一集通常是整个节目的结束,但也可能有续集(sequel)出现. 肥皂剧(soap opera)是它的衍生形式,但是由于有明显固定的套路(paradigm),通常被看作一个单独的类型. Police procedural是神秘故事(mystery story)的一种,

2. sequel的解释

2. 续集影片:semiology 电影符号学 | sequel 续集影片 | serial 续集电影

3. 结局:sequal 查询语言 | sequel 结局 | sequela 后遗症

4. 后续行动:separation zone 隔离区 | sequel 后续行动 | serial 批次,次; 行军梯队;序号

5. sequel什么意思

5. sequel:structured english query language; 结构英语查询语言

sequel 词典解释

1. (书或电影的)续篇,续集
    A book or film which is a sequel to an earlier one continues the story of the earlier one.

    e.g. She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca'...
    e.g. Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to 'The Thorn Birds'.

2. 后续的事;随之而来的事;结果;余波
    The sequel to something that has happened is an event or situation that happens after it or as a result of it.


    e.g. The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday's nationwide strike...
    e.g. The arrests were a 'direct sequel' to investigations.

sequel 单语例句

1. Iron Man 2 star Don Cheadle has fuelled rumours that Marvel superheroes Thor and the Hulk will make cameo appearances in the upcoming sequel.

2. Things never get easier, for an action hero or an actor hoping his sequel can outdo his blockbuster original.

3. That's the tone that dominates Warriors, making the sequel a more violent and generally nastier affair than comic book trifles.

4. The film is the sequel to'Bridget Jones's Diary'.

5. Bruce Willis is already considering making another Die Hard film, just weeks before the third sequel hits cinemas.

6. Zhang's first directorial work was a 2010 sequel to Romance on Lushan Mountain.

7. At least 27 widely distributed films will be installments of previously successful releases, leading to 2011 being dubbed the " year of the sequel ".

8. But the sequel beats the original film by placing emphasis on jokes and peril, and keeping away from an overflow of heartwarming material.

9. This is a sequel of wry wit, shameless camp appeal and wild existential ambition.

10. The two fall in love in the first film, and will test their relationship by living together in the sequel.

sequel 英英释义


1. a part added to a book or play that continues and extends it

    Synonym: continuation

2. something that follows something else

    Synonym: subsequence

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