
serenade是什么意思 serenade在线翻译 serenade什么意思 serenade的意思 serenade的翻译 serenade的解释 serenade的发音 serenade的同义词

serenade [ˌserəˈneɪd]  [ˌsɛrəˈned, ˈsɛrəˌned] 


serenade 基本解释

名词<音>(尤指男子在所爱慕的女子窗外唱的或演奏的)小夜曲; 唱[奏]小夜曲的人



serenade 网络解释

1. 小夜曲:著名男声合唱团--龟溪合唱团(The Turtle Creek Chorale)的发烧大碟<<小夜曲 >>(Serenade),是RR公司2007年发行的专辑. 此碟无比宽阔的音场和精确的人声定位,带给你顶级的人声合唱享受. <<小夜曲 >>(Serenade)由RR录音大师基思.约翰逊博士录制于达拉斯的梅尔森交响音乐厅,

2. serenade的近义词

2. 夜曲:小夜曲--(Serenade)小夜曲历来是男子晚上在他情人的窗下唱的,常用吉他或曼陀林伴奏. 古典作曲家在写作小夜曲时,总是设法创造这种气氛. 十八世纪用于晚会的小型乐队的作品. 浪漫曲(Romanza)一种无固定形式的抒情短歌或短乐曲.

3. serenade的解释

3. 小夜曲快板:10 Serenata Notturma 月下小夜曲 | 01 Serenade 小夜曲快板 | 02 Die Zawberflode Overlure 魔笛序曲

4. 小夜曲 唱小夜曲:mistuned circuit 失调电路 | serenade 小夜曲 唱小夜曲 | feather dressing 拔(禽)毛

serenade 词典解释

1. (在所爱慕女子的窗下)为(其)唱(或演奏)小夜曲
    If one person serenades another, they sing or play a piece of music for them. Traditionally men did this outside the window of the woman they loved.

    e.g. In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute...
    e.g. It happened to be my birthday, and after breakfast I was serenaded by the crew.

2. (古典音乐中为小型管弦乐队谱写的)组曲,小夜曲
    In classical music, a serenade is a piece in several parts written for a small orchestra.


    e.g. ...Vaughan Williams's Serenade to Music.

serenade 单语例句


1. " Serenade " could be accused of giving a rather lacklustre performance from the " corps de ballet, " which danced rather mechanically.

2. I was asked to serenade a table of government types and couldn't think of anything other than Show Me the Way to Go Home.

3. Among the more successful works he composed and recorded that year were Impromptu Serenade and Venetian Boatmen's Song.

4. This is the third time " Serenade " has visited Shanghai since 2005.

5. To accompany the fine cuisines, a jazz trio will serenade diners with soothing harmonies.

6. Thus began the Green Island Serenade, a tune whose origins have been the subject of mystery and speculation for decades.

7. Both principal dancers also performed " Serenade " in the two different casts.

8. Think the kind of fiddling that may have accompanied Romeo had he chosen to serenade Juliet rather than climb the stonewall leading to her boudoir.

serenade 英英释义


1. a musical composition in several movements
    has no fixed form

    Synonym: divertimento

2. a song characteristically played outside the house of a woman


1. sing and play for somebody

    e.g. She was serenaded by her admirers

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