
sermon是什么意思 sermon在线翻译 sermon什么意思 sermon的意思 sermon的翻译 sermon的解释 sermon的发音 sermon的同义词 sermon的反义词 sermon的例句

sermon [ˈsɜ:mən]  [ˈsɜ:rmən] 


sermon 基本解释

名词布道; 讲道; 讲道文章; 一大通教训

sermon 相关例句


1. Father gave me a sermon on table manners.

2. The guardian read his ward a sermon on his extravagance.

3. sermon

3. The minister preached a sermon on humility.

sermon 网络解释

1. 讲道:当讲道结束时,讲员不仅期待人们会了解,喜欢或记得所 教导的,而更期待会众采取行动.布鲁得说:「没有呼召 (summons),就没有讲道(sermon).」 释经讲员主要之目的是要正确地,完全地教导神的话, 并清楚地把信息要点解释出来;

2. 证道:回过神来证道(Sermon)已经开始,我喜欢那些娓娓道来的宣讲者,今天这位,不论穿着打扮还是语调表情,都像极了chuan销,不理他,低头看英文圣经里那些人名和故事.

3. 信息:牧长祷告(Prayer) 高伟林读经(Scripture Reading) 启示录2:1-7 李景昆信息(Sermon) 起初的爱心 高伟林祝福(Benediction) 高伟林5. NCCEC免税证明(tax exempt)申请文件已送出,依<<主恩堂联合会>>申请经验需9-12个月才得批准下来,

sermon 词典解释

1. 布道;讲道
    A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service.

sermon 单语例句

1. The Daily Telegraph said Hamza stood by his sermon, which was delivered in 2003 and posted to the Internet late last year.

2. Residents of the city of Juba who spoke to The Associated Press in Khartoum said the sermon at All Saints Cathedral was packed jubilant worshippers.

3. He also is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland.

4. But it's unclear whether he released any other recordings prior to his death or whether this is the final sermon from the terrorist mastermind.

5. Peter Kolb thought Schiavo's story was appropriate for an Easter sermon.

6. " They talk as if Iran seeks nuclear weapons and that they oppose it, " he said in a sermon broadcast live on state radio.

7. Witnesses said the explosion appeared to have happen close to a podium where a sermon was being delivered.

8. Ian Buckner Oliver said just before he gave the Sunday morning sermon.

9. The Sermon Hall is where Buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon.

10. A sermon that tells young people to be absolutely obedient to their patients and teachers has been raised as an example.

sermon 英英释义



1. a moralistic rebuke

    e.g. your preaching is wasted on him

    Synonym: preaching

2. an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)

    Synonym: discoursepreaching

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