
sexual是什么意思 sexual在线翻译 sexual什么意思 sexual的意思 sexual的翻译 sexual的解释 sexual的发音 sexual的同义词 sexual的反义词 sexual的例句

sexual [ˈsekʃuəl]  [ˈsɛkʃuəl] 

sexual 基本解释

形容词性欲的; 性的,有性别的; 生殖的; [生]有性的


sexual 网络解释

1. 性的:属于心(Heart)中心类型的人属于脑或思想(Head or Thinking)中心类型的人属于腹(Gut )中心类型的人每一类型的人都有三种附属子型,是建立在人类生存所需的三种天性上:自我保护(生存或幸福),亲密关系(一对一的关系;某些九型理论的作家用[性的](Sexual)这个字来代表此种附属子型),

2. 性瘾:addictions瘾 | sexual性瘾 | addictive relationships上瘾的关系

3. 性关系:Relations? Human?... Social?...|关系?人类关系?|社交关系? | Sexual.|性关系 | Intercourse...|性交

sexual 词典解释

1. 性爱的;性欲的;性行为的
    Sexual feelings or activities are connected with the act of sex or with people's desire for sex.


    e.g. This was the first sexual relationship I had had...
    e.g. Men's sexual fantasies often have little to do with their sexual desire.

...sexually transmitted diseases...
How many kids in this school are sexually active?

2. 性别的;性别差异的;两性间的
    Sexual means relating to the differences between male and female people.

    e.g. Women's groups denounced sexual discrimination.
    e.g. ...sexual and racial equal opportunities.

If you're sexually harassed, you ought to do something about it.

3. 性取向的;不同性观念的
    Sexual means relating to the differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals.

    e.g. ...couples of all sexual persuasions.

4. 生殖的;有性繁殖的
    Sexual means relating to the biological process by which people and animals produce young.


    e.g. Girls generally reach sexual maturity two years earlier than boys.
    e.g. ...sexual reproduction.

The first organisms that reproduced sexually were free-floating plankton.

sexual 单语例句


1. A businesswoman proves the fairer sex can be just as corrupt as men by offering her male secretary a BMW in return for sexual services.

2. According to New York state law, a criminal sexual act includes forcibly compelling someone to engage in oral sex.

3. Employment is covered by China's Labor Law and has little to do with one's values or sexual orientation.

4. Hepatitis C is viral and is mainly transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, although it can also spread through sexual contact and from mother to child during delivery.

5. Previous research had established that a whiff of it affected women's mood, sexual and physiological arousal and brain activation.

6. Deng and her colleagues are calling for more attention to be paid to the social consequences caused by the suppressed sexual needs of migrant workers.

7. With the rising number of sexual harassment suits, many people are calling for further legislation to clarify the law.

8. There was even a show called " How to Catch a Predator ", where a hidden camera investigates men who used sexual online content with children and teens.

9. By using sexual problems as early indicators of medical complications, doctors can capitalize on valuable lead time to treat their patients.

10. Those characters'sexual orientations were central to the story, while in " Capote " the author's is incidental to it.


sexual 英英释义



1. involved in a sexual relationship

    e.g. the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife
           she had been intimate with many men
           he touched her intimate parts

    Synonym: intimate

2. having or involving sex

    e.g. sexual reproduction
           sexual spores

3. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality

    e.g. sexual orientation
           sexual distinctions

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