
shaving是什么意思 shaving在线翻译 shaving什么意思 shaving的意思 shaving的翻译 shaving的解释 shaving的发音 shaving的同义词 shaving的反义词

shaving ['ʃeɪvɪŋ]  [ˈʃevɪŋ] 


shaving 基本解释


名词削; 剃胡子,修面; 刨花


shaving 相关例句


1. The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.

2. He put his shaving things into a plastic bag.

shaving 情景对话

Getting Cleaned up-(弄干净)

A:Hey, Bob. I can't find my electric shaver.


B:I`m sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff.

A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blade's dirty ang I still can't find the cord.
      嗯,在这里。 你用过以后至少应该把它弄干净。刀片很脏,电线也还没有找到。

B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfast'll be ready in about five minutes and you won't if you don't hurry.
      别抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大约还有五分钟早饭就好了, 要不你就来不及吃早饭了。

A:Your eggs are already beginning to burn.

B:What kind of juice do you want?


A:Do we have a choice?


B:Sure. Tomato or V8.

A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surprise me.
      嗯,你知道我对番茄汁的态度。 真使我意外!

shaving 网络解释

1. 刨花:[摘要] 实验动物垫料(Laboratory animal bedding)是影响实验动物健康和动物实验结果的国际公认的重要环境因素之一,我国大多数实验动物生产和动物实验研究单位使用的垫料是来源不清楚的刨花(Shaving) 和锯屑(Saw2和非接触性垫

2. 刮:花缎(damasks)、金银线 边和珠饰(passementerie)及阿拉贝斯克花叶图案(arabesques).手撕(ripping)、切碎(shredding)及剃刮(shaving)效果造成一种(破坏美),更带领了一个使人迷惑的新时装风格.

3. 缺口修整加工:seaming 折弯重叠加工 | shaving 缺口修整加工 | shearing 切断加工

4. 刮脸:hair 梳头 | shaving 刮脸 | Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚

shaving 词典解释

1. 刨花;削片;削屑
    Shavings are small very thin pieces of wood or other material which have been cut from a larger piece.

    e.g. The floor was covered with shavings from his wood carvings.
    e.g. ...metal shavings.

shaving 单语例句


1. Spears had a meltdown weekend that included shaving her head, tattooing her wrist and clubbing with friends.

2. The clinic's most commonly performed surgeries are minimizing eye bags, sculpting noses and shaving the jawbone to soften the face.

3. The companies that advertise female shaving, waxing and depilatory products often play on the fear that hair is dirty.

4. The Karakorum Highway runs southwest from Kashgar to the Pakistan border, shaving Tajikistan and coming within loudspeaker distance of Afghanistan.

5. The head shaving symbolises rebirth, to indicate that the pilgrim's sins have been cleansed by completion of the haj.

6. Shaving has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth.

7. His shaving regimen involves the use of a razor about as frequently as the seasons change.

8. On February 21, she checked into a Malibu rehabilitation center after shaving her head.

9. The shaving and cutting is the most difficult part, he says.

10. Fellow drivers in Chongqing were shocked recently when they saw a man looking into a mirror and shaving as he drove along a highway.

shaving 英英释义



1. the act of brushing against while passing

    Synonym: grazingskimming

2. the act of removing hair with a razor

    Synonym: shave

3. a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something

    Synonym: paringsliver

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