
shelter是什么意思 shelter在线翻译 shelter什么意思 shelter的意思 shelter的翻译 shelter的解释 shelter的发音 shelter的同义词 shelter的反义词

shelter [ˈʃeltə(r)]  [ˈʃɛltɚ] 


shelter 基本解释

名词避难所; 遮蔽; 居所; (无家可归者或受虐待者的)收容所

及物动词庇护; 掩蔽; 保护

不及物动词避难; 躲避


shelter 相关词组

1. under the shelter of : 在...的庇护下;

shelter 相关例句


1. shelter的反义词

1. She was accused of sheltering a murderer.


1. He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.

2. The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain.

3. Their immediate need is for food, clothing and shelter.

shelter 网络解释

1. 庇所:1:普通住所的发展 庇所(Shelter) 最低级的普通寓所,最大可容纳7人. 棚屋(Hut) 最大可容纳14人. 普通的村舍(Plain Cottage) 最大可容纳22人. 漂亮的村舍(Attractive Cottage) 最大可容纳31人. 宽敞的住宅(Spacious Dwelling)最大可容纳41人.

2. 庇护所:片中朱莉安出演一名医生,她毕生的精力都投入到否定多重性人格障碍这一病症之中,并且将多名以人格分裂为借口的谋杀 ...腾讯娱乐讯 近日,女星朱莉安 摩尔(Julianne Moore)的影片<<庇护所>>(Shelter)的预告片出炉,片中朱莉安出演一名医生,

3. 棚:半数以上居住在农村,从加尔各答到撒珈蒂的公路两边,有很多的村庄,与村庄距离不远的地方,就有一些低低矮矮的帐篷或草棚(shelter),在这个严重缺电的地区,他们是绝对用不上电的,只有油灯发出非常微弱的光,那里面住的就是贱民.

shelter 词典解释

1. (躲避恶劣天气或危险的)遮蔽物,庇护处,掩体
    A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger.


    e.g. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.
    e.g. ...a bus shelter.

2. (尤指躲避恶劣天气或危险的)遮蔽,庇护,掩蔽
    If a place provides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live, especially when you need protection from bad weather or danger.

    e.g. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent...
           寻求避难的家庭户增加了 17%。
    e.g. Although horses do not generally mind the cold, shelter from rain and wind is important.

3. 收容所;庇护所
    A shelter is a building where homeless people can sleep and get food.

    e.g. ...a shelter for homeless women.

4. 躲避;避难
    If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from bad weather or danger.

    e.g. ...a man sheltering in a doorway...
    e.g. Twelve Cubans left the embassy after sheltering there for several days.
           12 名古巴人在大使馆藏身了几天后离开了。

5. 遮蔽;遮挡
    If a place or thing is sheltered by something, it is protected by that thing from wind and rain.

    e.g. ...a wooden house, sheltered by a low pointed roof.

6. 为(受到警察或其他人追捕的人)提供避难所;窝藏;庇护
    If you shelter someone, usually someone who is being hunted by police or other people, you provide them with a place to stay or live.

    e.g. A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days.
           一个邻居收留了这个男孩在他家藏了 7 天。
    e.g. ...people sheltering illegal immigrants.

7. see also: sheltered

shelter 单语例句


1. Hospices used to be places of shelter for travellers, especially those maintained by religious order or monks.

2. People at the shelter dined on American chop suey and shepherd's pie and watched " The Polar Express " in the cafeteria.

3. California lawmakers will vote later this summer on a bill requiring microchips in every dog or cat adopted or claimed from a shelter.

4. Premier Wen Jiabao called Jiangxi Party head Meng Jianzhu, urging provincial and local governments to arrange food and shelter for residents.

5. China's first emergency shelter was opened for operation on Wednesday in Beijing, capital city of China.

6. The Chilean mine accident was an exemplary demonstration of the difference an emergency shelter can make when miners find themselves in harm's way.

7. The father of the family took Jiajia to the shelter after she became chronically nervous.

8. A day before the Kentucky Derby, some race fans at Churchill Downs sought shelter Friday when the storms arrived in Louisville.

9. She explained that her client hires helpers to clean the shelter twice a day, while Chaoyang Animal Quarantine Institute also does annual health checks.

10. Schools in Zhangzhou were closed on Monday and two primary schools were used to shelter construction workers.

shelter 英英释义


1. a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger

2. protective covering that provides protection from the weather

3. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons

4. a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings

    Synonym: tax shelter

5. the condition of being protected

    e.g. they were huddled together for protection
           he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home

    Synonym: protection


1. invest (money) so that it is not taxable

2. provide shelter for

    e.g. After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people

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