
shelves是什么意思 shelves在线翻译 shelves什么意思 shelves的意思 shelves的翻译 shelves的解释 shelves的发音 shelves的同义词 shelves的反义词

shelves [ʃelvz]  [ʃelvz] 


shelves 基本解释

名词架子; 架( shelf的名词复数 ); 棚; 沙洲; 暗礁

动词将(书等)放置在架子上( shelve的第三人称单数 ); 将…搁在一边; (陆地)逐渐倾斜

shelves 情景对话

Apartment for Rent-(公寓招租)

A:This apartment has three rooms and a bath. Here's the kitchen.

B:It seems a little small to me.

A:Not really, for one person, and it has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator.There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.

B:What about closets?

A:You'll have two large ones in the badroom.One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.Then there's a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.

B:The living room looks sort of dark.

A:We're painting it a lighter color, and it gets the afternoon sun.

B:Well, thank you for showing me around.I'll let you know tonight if I decide to take it.I want to look around before I make up my mind.
      谢谢你给我们看了房间。 如果我决定要,今天晚上我会告诉你。我想作出决定前再慎重考虑一下。

shelves 网络解释

1. 书架:你有没有Redbooks的CD? CD里面的文件是不是BOOKMANAGER格式的(*.BOO)? 如果是, 你的这些文件和书架(shelves)可以上传到OS/390 或者z/OS 上面.

2. 架:潮下带(subtidal):陆架(shelves),在高能陆架( ):陆架 ),在高能陆架 无障壁), ),发育灰 3,潮下带(subtidal):陆架(shelves),在高能陆架(窄,无障壁),发育灰 泥质沙沉积;在低能陆架( 有障壁)发育灰泥沉积.

3. 架子:shelve 搁置 | shelves 架子 | shelving 架设棚架

4. 复数:shelf n. 架子 | shelves 复数 | entrance n. 入口

shelves 单语例句

1. As long as people buy the wrong products, such items will stay on the shelves.

2. Publishers can bypass stores by selling their games online, but exposure on store shelves is still an important part of game marketing.

3. It is a cafe library and book shop all in one, with walls of towering shelves stuffed with books both in English and Chinese.

4. Wu thinks that the best clothing can't be found on shelves, they have to be made.

5. One Carrefour spokesperson says that new brands are constantly being introduced, with four to five new varieties hitting store shelves each year.

6. Tables are placed among the shelves of wine and the cellar has a tapas menu.

7. Drug stores across China have seen smoking cessation aids fly off of their shelves since the ban was enacted.

8. A leading regional supermarket chain has pulled dolphin from its shelves over the health concerns, and hunt critics in the town say villagers are shunning it.

9. It said the product was taken off shelves in August, after an official spot check found it contained excessive residues from heavy metals.

10. The authors of the published papers point out that in other places around the continent, much larger glaciers are also held in check by ice shelves.

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