
shin up是什么意思 shin up在线翻译 shin up什么意思 shin up的意思 shin up的翻译 shin up的解释 shin up的发音 shin up的同义词 shin up的反义词

shin up[ʃin ʌp] 

shin up 基本解释


shin up 相关例句


1. I shinned up a tree to get a better view of the procession.

shin up 双语例句

1. One problem is that economists don't have models that prescribe how much interest rates should go up when asset prices or financial leverage run to excess, though several leading researchers, including Mr. Shin and Mr. Adrian, are starting to work in this area.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Next up, you need to be extra sure you're always wearing the right type of running shoes to prevent shin splints.

3. Use DICOM file as the data source and get two-dimensional CT image of the knee joint through the relevant software. Using figure software edit and get shin bone border of knee joint then export the border curve to MSC. MARC software and set up the three-dimensional model.

4. shin up

4. Whenever they celebrate a festival, Christmas or Easter Day, people got all dolled up always dance with sparkling color-bulbs shin on the tree branches, but I can only draft away from that kind of happy atmosphere.

5. Shin is just eating. After he finishes, he takes another quail up, pads it with a handkerchief then puts it at a place Ling can reach. After that, he relieved the paralyzation of her arms.

6. By tracking the motion of my shin guards, the Gaiter system measured my gait—the length and rate of my steps—as I walked in place, lifting my feet up and down.

7. I shin up a tree to get a better view of the procession.

8. And if you end up hurting your shin bone as a result of kicking into your opponents raised knee, then you may still suffer an injury.

9. Tom shin up a tree for a better view of the parade.

10. shin up

10. One will say respect worth earning, then goes up his shin - Smart will, give it to each, equally, till they abandon themselves.

11. MATERIALS: There were 16 SD rats with transverse fracture of shin, which were set up as intramedullary nail internal fixation. They were randomly divided into experiment group and control group with each of 8 mice.

12. 43 Last night, the Peak Park Shin to fitness, exercise, it was claimed that sit on Yang Qi sit up, but fell down on the back plate in the days to alternative handheld pressure, the first three trousers faded to the thigh bone, Will be inserted into one hole penis friction Zidu.
      前晚11 时43 分,辛到公园山顶做运动健身,有人声称玩仰起坐sit up ,却俯伏在铁板上背向天做出另类掌上压,先将三个骨裤褪到大腿间,将阳具插入其中一个圆孔磨擦自渎。

13. After over a hundred rounds of fighting, Po sends a horizontal slash to force Shin to jump up then changes to dragon shadow instantly and strikes Shin.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. President Lin Chun-shin pointed out that through analyzing the chain of electronics contracting industry. Foxconn had won orders from foreign heavyweights with a price lower than market prices. It had also organized small down-stream manufacturers to work for it and come up with a new pricing standard of good products with inexpensive prices, making profit incessantly.

15. The trousers must be long enough to cover at least two thirds of the shin and must not reach below the anklebone. Trouser legs may not be rolled up.

16. Dogs were then killed and the two femurs (one with artificial joint), shin fibula, radius and lumbar vertebrae were obtained for the measurement of bone density, X ray check up and histological studies.

17. The risk of shin splints is no reason to give up your morning jog or afternoon aerobics class.

18. Young-shin is an unmarried mother who rose up her8 years old daughter, Lee Bom (Suh Shin-ae), supporting her brother Õ s tuition fee and taking care of her dementia grandfather all by her own.

19. Be respectfully persistent, Shin says, by sending a single follow-up email to a potential connection if you haven't heard back.

20. shin up什么意思

20. Use DICOM file as the data source and get two-dimensional CT image of the knee joint through the relevant software. Using figure software edit and get shin bone border of knee joint then export the border curve to MSC. MARC software and set up the three-dimensional model. A three-dimension finite-element model of knee joint, which including meniscus was reconstructed.

shin up 单语例句

shin up

1. Shin also said that he believed a trade agreement would certainly affect the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and push it to open up.

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