
shin是什么意思 shin在线翻译 shin什么意思 shin的意思 shin的翻译 shin的解释 shin的发音 shin的同义词 shin的反义词 shin的例句 shin的相关词组

shin [ʃɪn]  [ʃɪn] 


shin 基本解释

名词胫,胫骨; 小腿肉

不及物动词攀; 快步步行

及物动词攀爬; 踢或打…的胫骨


shin 相关例句


1. shin在线翻译

1. Two players were fined for shinning opponent players.


1. He shinned downstairs.

2. Tom shinned up a tree for a better view of the parade.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Someone kicked me on my shin during the match.

shin 网络解释

1. 小腿骨:大腿骨(thigh)与小腿骨(shin)是连接的,就像足(foot)与IK_heel骨一样. 脚趾骨(toe)与足(foot)是作为IK_foot骨的子级.

2. 蘇見信:SHE:任家萱(Selina) 田馥甄(Hebe)Sweety: 刘品言(Esther)曾之乔(Janne)信乐团:苏见信:(Shin) 阿信S.H.E是台湾的女子演唱团体,由任家萱(Selina)、田馥甄(Hebe)、陈嘉桦(Ella)三位女生组成.

3. 心:) 不过果然是明姬比MAO漂亮得多啊~(mao:你闭嘴!)...为什么抽抽这么帅啊(yuya偷笑...)......比平时帅好多...(yuya:你什么意思!)...shinshin 啊......海与大下次再p东西的时候能不能偏心(shin)一点啊~ 半夜...飘走...

shin 词典解释

1. 胫;胫部;小腿
    Your shins are the front parts of your legs between your knees and your ankles.

    e.g. She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins.

相关词组:shin up

shin 单语例句

1. He was hospitalized in the first week with a shin injury that continued to bother him despite cortisone injections and acupuncture treatments.

2. Later the same month she needed 10 stitches in her shin after falling on a broken cup at rocker Bryan Adams'home in London.

3. When he was released in 1997, he started meeting with the Shin Bet and gravitating toward Christianity.

4. " Countries should be ready for the importation threat with a comprehensive national importation preparedness plan, " said Shin.

5. After initial discussions resulted in Heidemann being awarded the final touch in the semifinal, a stunned Shin did not move.

6. " NASA has enjoyed a long history of successful cooperation with DLR, " Shin said in a statement.

7. Shin expects the trade gap to narrow down as ROK enterprises in China increase sourcing locally.

8. That duel stretched into Monday, before Shin won on the ninth playoff hole.

9. He had three broken ribs and a large gash on his shin but did not go to a hospital.

10. Doctors removed a small growth from the shin area of her right leg and the White House said at the time it was healing well.


shin 英英释义



1. the front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle

2. the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle

    Synonym: tibiashinboneshin bone

3. the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet

4. a cut of meat from the lower part of the leg

    Synonym: shin bone


1. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

    Synonym: clamberscrambleshinnyskinstrugglesputter

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