
shooter是什么意思 shooter在线翻译 shooter什么意思 shooter的意思 shooter的翻译 shooter的解释 shooter的发音 shooter的同义词 shooter的反义词

shooter [ˈʃu:tə(r)]  ['ʃu:tər] 


shooter 基本解释

名词射手; 枪炮

shooter 网络解释

1. 生死狙击:本片导演安东尼-福奎阿曾执导过<<训练日>>(Training Day)、<<太阳泪>>(Tears of the Sun)、<<亚瑟王>>(King Arthur) 、<<生死狙击>>(Shooter)等影片. 由迈克尔-C-马丁(Michael C. Martin)担任编剧. <<布鲁克林警察>>在今年年初的圣丹斯电影节首次露面后,

2. 生死阻击:生死阻击(Shooter)是一部07年的美国电影,虽然比较老了,但是我还是第一次看. 我看美剧一向是不看有中文字幕的版本的,这倒不是说我的英文水平有多高,只是一种个人习惯而已. 我宁愿连蒙带猜的看,也不想眼睛被字幕牵着鼻子走而忽略了精彩的情节和演员细腻的表演.

3. shooter的解释

3. 狙击手:<<狙击手>>(Shooter)中的鲍勃?李?史瓦格(马克?沃尔伯格):<<第一滴血4>>(Rambo)中的约翰?兰博. 他在里面打了将近一个小时,直到子弹用完为止,然后走回那帮震惊的士兵旁,此时那辆M-10在背景中以<<疯狂麦克斯>>(Mad Max)的风格爆炸.

shooter 词典解释

1. 射手;枪手
    A shooter is a person who shoots a gun.

    e.g. An eyewitness identified him as the shooter...
    e.g. I have been a shooter for 16 years and enjoy my sport.
           我从事射击运动已经 16 年了,很喜爱这项运动。

    A shooter is a gun.

shooter 单语例句


1. The suspected shooter's body was later found inside his car a few miles from the school.

2. The subject interviewed in the book is a Cuban dissident reporter, who had long been used by RSF as a shooter attacking Cuban government.

3. Czech Republic Olympic rifle shooter Katerina Emmons said winning the first gold Olympic Games medal mattered less to her than her family life.

4. Police said they do not know what sparked the violence but were confident only one shooter was involved.

5. " Every once in a while you get going when you're a shooter, " Miller said.

6. He also used his platform to speak indirectly to questions about whether the alleged shooter had ties to extremist Islamic ideology.

7. Armed with witness descriptions of the shooter, officers focused on one of the four foreign ships under repair at a nearby shipyard.

8. As the shooter fixed his gaze on the final target, the moment condensed the hopes of an entire nation starved of a solo Olympics gold.

9. The former Algerian foreign minister and UN trouble shooter used to base his work at UN Headquarters here.

10. But police said on Sunday that all early indications showed the shooter acted alone.

shooter 英英释义


1. a large marble used for shooting in the game of marbles

    Synonym: taw

2. a professional killer who uses a gun

    Synonym: gunmangunslingerhired gungungun for hiretriggermanhit manhitmantorpedo

3. (sports) a player who drives or kicks a ball at the goal (or a basketball player who shoots at the basket)

4. a gambler who throws dice in the game of craps

    Synonym: crap-shooter

5. a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot)

    e.g. he is a crack shot
           a poor shooter

    Synonym: shot

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