
shoulder pole是什么意思 shoulder pole在线翻译 shoulder pole什么意思 shoulder pole的意思 shoulder pole的翻译 shoulder pole的解释 shoulder pole的发音

shoulder pole [ˈʃəuldə pəul]  [ˈʃoldɚ pol] 

shoulder pole 基本解释


shoulder pole 网络解释

1. 扁担:shoulder patch 臂章 | shoulder pole 扁担 | shoulder strap 肩章

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 抬杠:转盘棕垫 mat for rotary table | 抬杠 shoulder pole | 圆铲把 spade bar

shoulder pole 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Soon, four men in servant clothes walk out. Two carry empty shoulder pole, one brings the lantern and the other totes an oil jar. Doug pretends begging and falls down beside the guy who totes jar. She pastes the bag with cowskin glue on the inner side of lower hem of his clothes. That guy condemned Doug impatiently and kicked her then keeps going.

2. And off he sailed to heaven taking his young son and daughter in two baskets carried by a shoulder pole.

3. In a fair summer night, I saw the bright Altair the shoulder pole star.

4. Cross Bars are installed 750 mm from each end of the Shoulder Pole.
    3.4.3 横条安装在距扁担端部750mm处。

5. shoulder pole是什么意思

5. What happens now is that whenever we go out together, with my outstretched arms tightly clinging to my wife's shoulder, I am pretty much like a monkey hanging on to a wire pole, allowing her to drag me along the street...

6. He wobbled up the slope from the river, carrying two buckets of water on a shoulder pole.

7. Tall and of strong build, she could carry two buckets of water or manure on a shoulder pole.

8. Each Kago consists of a Shoulder Pole, Cross Bars and a Seat on which the Traveller Robot sits and Ropes that attach the Seat to the Cross Bars.

9. In unclouded summer nights, I can see the bright shoulder pole star.

10. I saw the bringt shoulder pole star in a clear summer night.

11. Along with our country each kind of criminal activity incidence rate of cases straight line rise, on our People's Police shoulder shoulder pole more and more is also heavy, is insufficient in our country police forces under the present situation, how better are the assignment police forces resources an important topic which we face.

12. The acrobat balanced a long pole on his left shoulder.

13. The Lakers biggest need is defensive anchor, followed by a back to the basket scorer with triangle skills. a basket was being carried at one end of the shoulder pole, and a water pitcher at the other.

14. The shoulder pole bent with heavy load.

15. The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage.

16. shoulder pole

16. A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon a basket was being carried at one end of the shoulder pole, and a water pitcher at the other.

17. When he is free, the husband will put vegetables they plant to the two bamboo baskets woven by himself and carry them with a pole on his shoulder to the market.

18. At the age of eight or nine, I could not only carry heavy loads on a shoulder pole or on my back, but also knew how to farm the land.

19. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

19. Verb carry on the shoulder with a pole; shoulder

20. shoulder pole在线翻译

20. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets with one shoulder pole.

shoulder pole 单语例句

1. Farmers carrying dangling loads on a pole over their shoulder occasional walk by, as do leisurely herders leading their cows along a lane.

2. As it looks like a shoulder pole, it is also called Shoulder Pole Mountain.

3. People usually carried two buckets of small goods on a bamboo shoulder pole.

4. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets with one shoulder pole.

5. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets on a shoulder pole.

6. Two months ago, one of them was knocked off while he was using a shoulder pole.

7. They shoulder the pole like fishermen and pay 5 yuan for picture.

8. The Pole has been in intensive care since the operation on his foot, shoulder and inner elbow.

9. It used to be a common scene that street peddlers carried two baskets on a shoulder pole and hawked tu sun dong.

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