
shower是什么意思 shower在线翻译 shower什么意思 shower的意思 shower的翻译 shower的解释 shower的发音 shower的同义词 shower的反义词 shower的例句

shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)]  [ˈʃaʊɚ] 


shower 基本解释


名词淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批

不及物动词下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落

及物动词大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落

shower 相关例句


1. It suddenly started to shower.

2. They showered honors upon the hero.


1. There was a hard shower.

2. I take a cold shower every day.

3. The neighbors held a bridal shower for the girl.

shower 情景对话

After Getting Home-(回家后)

A:Home at last. Tonight we have a lot of homework though.

B:Are you saying we don’t have time to watch our favorite show tonight? Jane, you know I really don’t like our teacher all that much. He gives far too much homework. He criticizes me in front of? everyone all the time?.

A:To tell the truth?, I don’t really like him either. He’s kind of boring and not very active. He always looks unhappy too.


B:Yes, and he also…


A:Do you think we should be talking about him like this behind his back?

B:Probably not. After all? he is our teacher. We should try to find something nice to say. If you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all.


A:I absolutely agree. It’s getting dark. We should finish our homework now.

B:All right. I want to take a shower first, I’m exhausted.



A:I'd like to check in, please.


B:Awfully sorry, sir. There are no rooms available now.

A:But I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.

B:Sorry. May I have your name?

A:Tom Wang.

B:Please wait a minute. Let me check. Excuse me, but I can't seem to find your name on our list. Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?

A:Of course, I did it myself.


B:I'm terribly sorry. There must have been some mistakes. Let me check it again. Oh, yes. There is a name listed as Tom Huang. It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name. I apologize.


A:Don't worry about that.

B:According to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights. The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge. Is it right?


A:Yes, that's right. I'd like to pay my bill by credit card.

B:May I take a print of your card?

A:Here you are.

B:OK. Now could you fill out this registration card?

A:All right.

B:Your room number is 707. Here is your key. The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.

shower 网络解释

1. shower的解释

1. 淋浴:Q:我的洗手盆(sink)、浴缸(tub)、淋浴(shower)下水道为什么会堵塞?Q:我的坐便器(toilet)下水道为什么会堵塞?Q:用通渠液(liquid drain cleaner)进行通渠是否有效?A:通渠液(liquid drain cleaner)的主要成分是强酸,用于小便池(urinal)特别有效.

2. 阵雨:我喜欢夏天这个被称为雨季(rain season)的季节,因为雨水可以让万物生机勃勃,黄梅雨(plum rain)的到来预示着梅子的成熟,阵雨(shower)过后可能有美丽的彩虹(rainbow).

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 簇射:高能电子和物质相互作用是一个级联簇射(shower)物理过程.空间飞行器防护系统就是利用这一原理,通过宇宙中的电子在飞行器中产生的shower电子,来了解其中半导体器件的有关信息.该文利用Monte Carlo方法,

4. 洗澡:听不懂. SAUNA 会令身体热, 然后洗澡(shower)听不懂. SAUNA 会令身体热, 然后洗澡(shower)

shower 词典解释

1. 淋浴器;花洒;淋浴喷头
    A shower is a device for washing yourself. It consists of a pipe which ends in a flat cover with a lot of holes in it so that water comes out in a spray.

    e.g. She heard him turn on the shower.

2. 淋浴间;淋浴房
    A shower is a small enclosed area containing a shower.

3. (运动中心等的)浴室
    The showers or the shower in a place such as a sports centre is the area containing showers.

    e.g. The showers are a mess...
    e.g. We all stood in the women's shower.

4. 淋浴
    If you have a shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower.

    e.g. I think I'll have a shower before dinner...
    e.g. She took two showers a day.

5. (洗)淋浴
    If you shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower.

    e.g. There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.

6. 阵雨;(尤指)小阵雨
    A shower is a short period of rain, especially light rain.

    e.g. There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.

7. (落下的东西)一大批,一阵,一连串
    You can refer to a lot of things that are falling as a shower of them.

    e.g. Showers of sparks flew in all directions.
    e.g. ...a shower of meteorites.

8. 向…抛撒;撒落
    If you are showered with a lot of small objects or pieces, they are scattered over you.


    e.g. They were showered with rice in the traditional manner...
    e.g. Mr Reagan was showered with glass.

9. 大量给予;慷慨给予
    If you shower a person with presents or kisses, you give them a lot of presents or kisses in a very generous and extravagant way.


    e.g. He showered her with emeralds and furs...
    e.g. Her parents showered her with kisses.

10. 送礼聚会
    A shower is a party or celebration at which the guests bring gifts.


    e.g. ...a bridal shower.
    e.g. ...a baby shower.

11. 乌合之众
      If you refer to a group of people as a particular kind of shower, you disapprove of them.


      e.g. ...a shower of wasters.

shower 单语例句

1. They will eat canned food similar to that currently offered on the International Space Station and shower only once a week or so.

2. Brittany died last month at their Los Angeles home after suffering cardiac arrest and was found collapsed in the shower by her mother Sharon.

3. I wonder how many workplaces have a shower, so employees can clean up and change into a work uniform?

4. Bathers must shower and scrub themselves scrupulously clean before climbing into the steaming pool, where they soak with friends or chat to fellow visitors.

5. Gao always takes a shower when she returns home, changing out of her " landfill uniform " into clean clothes.

6. A cold shower causes the blood vessels to contract and the blood must then flow faster.

7. One simple and effective method is to take a cold shower in the morning.

8. Use the shower head to spray your breasts, with hot water and cold water in turns.

9. The bathroom is admittedly big, furnished with a typical stall shower and a washing machine.

10. The crew showered every 10 days, and Wang would often count down to the next shower.

shower 英英释义


1. washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle

    e.g. he took a shower after the game

    Synonym: shower bath

2. a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you

    e.g. they installed a shower in the bathroom

3. a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower

    e.g. a little shower of rose petals
           a sudden cascade of sparks

    Synonym: cascade

4. a party of friends assembled to present gifts (usually of a specified kind) to a person

    e.g. her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting

5. someone who organizes an exhibit for others to see

    Synonym: exhibitorexhibitioner

6. a brief period of precipitation

    e.g. the game was interrupted by a brief shower

    Synonym: rain shower



1. take a shower
    wash one's body in the shower

    e.g. You should shower after vigorous exercise

2. provide abundantly with

    e.g. He showered her with presents

3. spray or sprinkle with

    e.g. The guests showered rice on the couple

4. expend profusely
    also used with abstract nouns

    e.g. He was showered with praise

    Synonym: lavish

5. rain abundantly

    e.g. Meteors showered down over half of Australia

    Synonym: shower down

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