
shown是什么意思 shown在线翻译 shown什么意思 shown的意思 shown的翻译 shown的解释 shown的发音 shown的同义词 shown的反义词 shown的例句

shown [ʃəʊn]  [ʃoʊn] 

原级:show第三人称单数:shows现在分词:showing过去分词:shown; showed过去式:showed

shown 基本解释

动词表现出; 给…看( show的过去分词 ); 显露出; 上演


shown 情景对话

International Trade-(国际贸易)

A:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.

B:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.

A:Yes, how may I help you?

B:I'm interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices.

A:Great. We're offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind?

B:We're particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven.
      我们特别中意你们目录第五页里的新型RS-5 的声卡。我还想知道更多关于第七页里RS-4 型声卡的细节。

A:OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five U.S. dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.
      好的。数量有达到五百片的话,RS-5 的价格是四十五美元。大量定购的话我们还有折扣。


B:And the price on the RS-four?
      那RS-4 的价格呢?

A:The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good on any size order.
      RS-4 是我们本月的促销产品之一,本月底前接到订单的话,单价是三十三美元。不管定单数量多少都是这个价格。


B:That price sounds good. Could you send me more details about the RS-four, including the specifications?
      这个价格听起来不错。你可以寄给我更详细的RS-4 型的资料和说明书吗?

A:Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.

B:Terrific. I'll get back to you after I've reviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.

shown 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 显现:思想必须是语言的思想,某物被我想到或意向到,在语言中表现出来便是一个概念,因此在对某物的意向中,确定一个概念的外延与某物的界限是一致的,某物是某物,或者说某物存在,那么某物就在时间中显现(shown)出来.

2. 表明:showmanship 技巧 | shown 表明 | showpiece 展出品

3. 显示:showmanship /玩杂耍的技巧/ | shown /显示/ | showpiece /展出地/

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 显示,表现,表演; v. 表示,显现,展现:1986shoven. 推,挤; v. 推挤,放置,撞 | 1987shown. 显示,表现,表演; v. 表示,显现,展现 | 1988show in领入

shown 词典解释


shown 单语例句

1. As shown by its interim business report, the company recorded losses over HK $ 300 million.

2. HONOLULU - Jerry Buss has already shown that he'll part with superstars.

3. The store owner admits there is still no buyer for the number, although many people - especially business people - have shown a lot of interest.

4. Although being stimulated by all means, the eurozone economy has not shown any sign of recovery.

5. The picture was widely regarded as a symbol of the doggedness shown by Chinese people and their American allies in the War.

6. This has been shown by the twists and turns in the relations between Japan and its neighbors in the decades after the war.

7. Studies have shown that people who eat cabbage once a week compared to once a month slash their colon cancer risk by a third.

8. She said about 10 Chinese mainland and Hong Kong films are shown in France, and about 50 others are shown in France cable television programs.

9. Research has shown that, caesarean infants are susceptible to a higher risk of sensitization and allergies.

10. But scientific research have shown that caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics, causing the body to lose water through increased urination.

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