
showroom是什么意思 showroom在线翻译 showroom什么意思 showroom的意思 showroom的翻译 showroom的解释 showroom的发音 showroom的同义词

showroom [ˈʃəʊru:m]  [ˈʃoʊru:m] 


showroom 基本解释



showroom 情景对话


B:Where can we see your complete line?


A:We have a showroom in this city.

B:I‘d like to see it.


A:Drop by anytime.

showroom 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 陈列室:■全新法拉利及玛莎拉蒂3S中心既是陈列 室(Showroom),亦是维修中心(Service Centre)和零件部(Spare Parts).

2. 展示厅:他认真学习了高级会员使用手册,积极与客服人员沟通,想方设法完善帐号信息,经常进行产品、商情信息的更新,并且充分使用了中国制造网专门为高级会员提供的自定义功能,把公司的动态、证书、场景图片等一一上传到展示厅(Showroom)中,力求让买家对公

3. showroom是什么意思

3. 样品陈列室:对于昆山项目,吉斯达一位高层表示几个月内即可建成,但吉斯达在纳斯达克公布的消息称,这个昆山项目是为美国公司设立样品陈列室(showroom)和办事处,以便其产品出口中国市场,该工程将在两年内完成.

showroom 词典解释

1. (尤指汽车、电器、煤气用具等的)商品陈列室,展销厅
    A showroom is a shop in which goods are displayed for sale, especially goods such as cars or electrical or gas appliances.

    e.g. ...a car showroom...
    e.g. Further information is available from your local electricity showroom.

showroom 单语例句

1. The lender provides critical wholesale financing to thousands of GM and Chrysler auto dealers, allowing them to stock their showroom floors with vehicles.

2. Delving further, guests come across a showroom with a stage ideal for intimate concerts and personalized shows.

3. A fashion design student from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology carries a mannequin while passing the showroom in the main building's sixth floor.

4. I fought the masses of people who stroll through the showroom part of the store, and caught some men actually sleeping in the display chairs.

5. Few customers visited the showroom of a Guangqi Honda dealer in Chaoyang district, a staff member who declined to give his name told reporters Thursday.

6. As the dark showroom turned into dazzling light and dynamic music, the viewers were amazed to see 36 male models standing on two staircases.

7. I was pleased that I could open BT's innovation center in Beijing during the visit, and I also opened a Jaguar Land Rover showroom.

8. Toyota's American brand Scion last year opened the first car showroom in Second Life, in which users can test drive and even buy cars.

9. Driving the car out from the showroom " was like driving for the first time ", he said.

10. A wide variety of stylish goods fill the basement showroom at O Gallery.

showroom 英英释义


1. an area where merchandise (such as cars) can be displayed

    e.g. in Britain a showroom is called a salesroom

    Synonym: salesroomsaleroom

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