
shrill是什么意思 shrill在线翻译 shrill什么意思 shrill的意思 shrill的翻译 shrill的解释 shrill的发音 shrill的同义词 shrill的反义词 shrill的例句

shrill [ʃrɪl]  [ʃrɪl] 


shrill 基本解释

形容词刺耳的; (声音)尖锐的; 高频率的; 强烈的,刺激的

及物动词尖叫; 以尖声的方式说出

不及物动词尖叫; 发出一种尖锐的声音

shrill 同义词


shrill 反义词


shrill 相关例句


1. Helen let out a shrill cry when she caught sight of a snake.

2. shrill什么意思

2. She wore a tight shrill green dress.

3. His criticism was so shrill that it provoked resentment.


1. The locust shrills his song of heat.


1. shrill

1. We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket.

shrill 网络解释

1. 尖叫:里面书店在安装(install),喝水全部到大厅 (hall),哥哥全部有胆量(gall),弟弟全部在闲荡(dally),专家全部变碎片(spall) 哥哥河边来烤肉(grill), 妹妹河边在尖叫(shrill), 弟弟河边钻孔忙(drill) 小花生病变小河(rill),

2. shrill的翻译

2. 尖声:刺耳尖声(shrill),有ear-splitting明喻形容,震耳欲聋亦即裂耳也. 耳朵受伤,有以cauliflower ear作明喻者. 耳朵外形有如花椰菜,拳赛中耳部多次被击(repeated blows to the ear)造成的伤害.

3. 尖声的:shrike 伯劳鸟 | shrill 尖声的 | shrillness 尖锐刺耳

4. 沙哑的,刺耳的:shrew 鼠类,悍妇 | shrill 沙哑的,刺耳的 | glimpse 一瞥(快速地无意识的一瞥)

shrill 词典解释

1. (声音)刺耳的,尖厉的
    A shrill sound is high-pitched and unpleasant.

    e.g. Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out...
    e.g. ...the shrill whistle of the engine...

'What are you doing?' she demanded shrilly.
...that ugly shrillness in her voice.

2. (要求、抗议、声明等)尖刻的,强硬的,不依不饶的
    If you describe a demand, protest, or statement as shrill, you disapprove of it and do not like the strong, forceful way it is said.

    e.g. Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism.

3. (铃、哨)发出尖锐的声音,发出刺耳的声音
    If a bell or whistle shrills, it makes a loud, high-pitched sound.

    e.g. The phone shrilled, making her jump.

4. 尖声说出;尖声喊出
    If someone with a high-pitched voice shrills something, they say it loudly.

    e.g. 'No, no, no,' she shrilled.

shrill 单语例句

1. There were more common interests than differences between the two sides and calls for friendship have always overpowered the sometimes discordant shrill.

2. " The cats'sad and shrill screams made us heartbroken, " Liu said.

3. The band's three albums feature shrill tones - like those of Peking Opera - and sharp and critical lyrics.

4. Mobile phones provided a shrill backdrop, constantly shattering the silence and the players'concentration.

shrill 英英释义


1. utter a shrill cry

    Synonym: shriekpipe uppipe


1. of colors that are bright and gaudy

    e.g. a shrill turquoise

2. being sharply insistent on being heard

    e.g. strident demands
           shrill criticism

    Synonym: strident

3. having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones

    e.g. a shrill whistle
           a shrill gaiety

    Synonym: sharp

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