
shrimp是什么意思 shrimp在线翻译 shrimp什么意思 shrimp的意思 shrimp的翻译 shrimp的解释 shrimp的发音 shrimp的同义词 shrimp的反义词 shrimp的例句

shrimp [ʃrɪmp]  [ʃrɪmp] 

第三人称复数:shrimps; shrimp

shrimp 基本解释

名词虾,小虾; 矮小的人


shrimp 相关例句


1. shrimp什么意思

1. He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old.

shrimp 网络解释

1. 小虾:1.2 美国FDA食品添加剂安全办公室公布的公认安全食品(GRAS)品种1.2.6 小虾(shrimp)壳聚糖(GRNno.73) 用于一般食品,作为改善食品加工的多种技术效果. 3.2 葡萄皮及籽的提取物葡萄皮提取物即葡萄皮红,主要成份有锦葵素芍药素、翠雀素、花青素配糖体等.

2. 虾类:在这样一个大的国际环境下,孟政府出台了一系列有利于虾类(shrimp)养殖的优惠政策,再加上国际市场对虾产品需求不断增长的契机,孟加拉虾养殖业快速扩张,商业化的河虾养殖开始取代过去传统的自给自足的生产模式.

shrimp 词典解释

1. 虾;小虾
    Shrimps are small shellfish with long tails and many legs.

    e.g. Add the shrimp and cook for 30 seconds...
           放入小虾,煮 30 秒。
    e.g. I'm going to have shrimps for my tea.

shrimp 单语例句

1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.

2. You prepare Yi ethnic minority torch shrimp yourself by holding marinated shrimps wrapped in foil paper over fire on plates paved with salt.

3. Another dish worth trying is shrimp cake, made with tender mashed shrimp meat sandwiched around a crunchy lotus root.

4. We were lucky enough at noon to taste the famous carp, saury and shrimp fished from the wetland lakes and rivers.

5. Sea cucumber, shrimp and water chestnut are used to add flavour to the soup.

6. A mouthful of what looks to be a duck chop has a crisp, golden sesame topping and tender mashed shrimp in the middle.

7. The giant shrimp in citrus jar is visually exciting but do savor the lemongrass and orange fragrance just when the lid is opened.

8. Most Chinese hold it's poisonous to eat crab and persimmon in one sitting, while many in Western countries say the same of citrus and shrimp.

9. His favorite meals were fried shrimp and Japanese miso soup with clams, the statement said.

10. Deputy executive chef Richard Hilton will tell you the secrets to a fabulous shrimp cocktail, and teach you how to prepare a classic roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

shrimp 英英释义


1. small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers
    many species are edible

2. any of various edible decapod crustaceans

    Synonym: prawn

3. disparaging terms for small people

    Synonym: runtpeeweehalf-pint


1. fish for shrimp

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