
shuttle是什么意思 shuttle在线翻译 shuttle什么意思 shuttle的意思 shuttle的翻译 shuttle的解释 shuttle的发音 shuttle的同义词 shuttle的反义词

shuttle [ˈʃʌtl]  [ˈʃʌtl] 


shuttle 基本解释

名词航天飞机; (织机的)梭子; (缝纫机的)滑梭; 短程穿梭运行的飞机(或火车,汽车)




shuttle 相关例句


1. We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter.


1. The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.

shuttle 网络解释

1. shuttle的翻译

1. 梭:这个测试结果导致了后来更为精致的设计和成功用於月球登陆的RX系列. 外太空的环境是没有大气压力与氧气的,太空人必须穿著太空衣以维持生命. 虽然在太空梭(shuttle)内可维持一定的大气压力,因此并不需要太空衣,但为了在太空梭外工作,就需要太空衣的保护.

2. 运输机:主动进攻时,需先(用鼠标)确定攻击目标;运输机(Shuttle) 它可以飞越任何区域抵达目的地,可运载3名乘员,但它的装甲和飞行速度很差. 高空侦察机(Reun flyer) 当执行侦察任务时,它会迅速飞到高空中,远离敌人的火力射程范围,

3. 梭子:LM-7采用与勃朗宁M1919机枪类似的供弹方式,即梭子(shuttle)式供弹机构. 装填第一发枪弹时,要先抬起上机匣顶部的受弹器盖,把装有枪弹的弹带装在受弹器座上,然后盖上受弹器盖,向后拉拉机柄,抽壳钩抓住弹壳底缘,随着枪机后坐,

4. shuttle:shutt; 变速搜索

shuttle 词典解释

1. 同space shuttle
    A shuttle is the same as a space shuttle .

2. 往来于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车)
    A shuttle is a plane, bus, or train which makes frequent journeys between two places.

    e.g. ...the BA shuttle to Glasgow.
    e.g. ...shuttle flights between London and Manchester.

3. (使)频繁往来于(两地之间)
    If someone or something shuttles or is shuttled from one place to another place, they frequently go from one place to the other.


    e.g. He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals...
    e.g. Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.

4. (织布用的)梭
    A shuttle is a piece of equipment used in weaving. It takes a thread backwards and forwards over the other threads in order to make a piece of cloth.


shuttle 单语例句

1. NASA managers said fixing the cable reel was vital to space station construction, which will take 15 more shuttle flights.

2. Shuttle managers had said they would halt the countdown and call everything off if any of the four hydrogen fuel gauges acted up.

3. But NASA ordered the shuttle to put off its landing by at least 90 minutes because of low clouds over Cape Canaveral.

4. The California Science Center is one of the four locations across the country selected to display NASA's retired space shuttle vehicles.

5. The space agency plans another design change to the tank before the shuttle program ends in 2010.

6. The circular came shortly after two kids were inadvertently left inside their shuttle buses and suffocated to death amid high temperatures.

7. One unit has a tiny leak and may be shut down, though managers said there would be no additional risk to the shuttle or crew.

8. With bright sunlight glinting off it, the shuttle swooped through a clear sky and landed on the runway right on time.

9. Mission Control and Discovery's astronauts also paid homage to lead shuttle flight director Bryan Lunney, who is quitting NASA as the program draws to a close.

10. " It wasn't our time today, " shuttle commander Steven Lindsey radioed from the cockpit.

shuttle 英英释义



1. bobbin that passes the weft thread between the warp threads

2. public transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two points

3. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers

    Synonym: shuttlecockbirdbirdie



1. travel back and forth between two points

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