
sign off是什么意思 sign off在线翻译 sign off什么意思 sign off的意思 sign off的翻译 sign off的解释 sign off的发音 sign off的同义词

sign off [sain ɔf]  [saɪn ɔf] 

sign off 基本解释

停止广播; 签字结束书信

sign off 网络解释

1. sign off

1. 注销:当一个用户注销(Sign off)时,系统会自动将该用户消息队列的Delivery Mode修改成*HOLD;用户再次注册时,系统又会将该消息队列的Delivery Mode设置成 *NOTIFY,如果用户脱机这一段时间有消息到达就会给用户一个提示.

2. sign off的近义词

2. 退出登录:交互式作业和后台批处理作业的区别在于:交互式作业开始于用户登录(Sign On)之时,交互式作业直接在子系统中运行,作业可能产生假脱机文件(Spool File)存放在输出队列(Output Queue)中,交互式作业结束于假脱机文件被打印或被删除,用户退出登录(Sign Off)之时.

3. 签发:按照项目规定,两种文件都需要经过充分讨论并基本稳定下来之后,由相关负责人员签发(sign off),然后交给开发组. 本周有一次角色分配. 一位精于JSP的同事将主要负责前端(front-end presentation),

4. sign off在线翻译

4. 登出:Sign on 登入 | Sign off 登出 | Protocol 協定

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. sign off:s/off; 关闭符号

sign off 词典解释

1. (在信的结尾)写结束语;(挂电话、广播节目结束时)就说到这,到此为止
    If someone signs off, they write a final message at the end of a letter or they say a final message at the end of a telephone conversation. You can say that people such as entertainers sign off when they finish a broadcast.

    e.g. O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week...
    e.g. He would sign off each week with the catch-phrase, 'I'll see thee!'

2. 注销(领取失业救济金的)登记
    When someone who has been unemployed signs off, they officially inform the authorities that they have found a job, so that they no longer receive money from the government.

    e.g. If you work without signing off the dole you are breaking the law.

sign off 单语例句

1. The board of Dow Jones said late Tuesday it was ready to sign off on Murdoch's proposal to buy the company for $ 5 billion.

2. The SFC in May proposed extending criminal and civil liability laws to initial share sale arrangers who sign off on misleading or inaccurate prospectuses.

3. I thought it might all be over for me and that here was a clear sign that I would be off.

4. Republicans say they won't sign off on any tax hikes at all, including those Obama wants targeting the wealthiest US citizens or closing loopholes to corporations.

5. The weekly forecast also lists lucky colors for each star sign and warns people to take precautions to ward off possible risks.

6. It suggested prayer might come in handy - performing the sign of the cross before starting off and saying the rosary along the way.

7. Judges must sign off on entertainment contracts for minors and ensure that appropriate financial safeguards remain in place until the teens reach adulthood.

8. Analysts say the tanker award could be announced any time after Pentagon officials meet Monday to sign off on the Air Force's tanker purchase plan.

9. A neon sign on the outside of a residential area just off of Julu Lu is its only giveaway.

10. VIENNA - Italy reserve keeper Marco Amelia broke off from his Euro 2008 preparations to sign for Serie A side Palermo on Thursday.

sign off 英英释义


1. cease broadcasting
    get off the air
    as of radio stations

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