
silhouette是什么意思 silhouette在线翻译 silhouette什么意思 silhouette的意思 silhouette的翻译 silhouette的解释 silhouette的发音 silhouette的同义词

silhouette [ˌsɪluˈet]  [ˌsɪluˈɛt] 


silhouette 基本解释

名词轮廓,剪影; (人的)体形; (事物的)形状

及物动词使呈现影子; 使呈现轮廓

silhouette 相关例句


1. There was a line of bald trees silhouetted against the horizon.

2. The mountain was silhouetted against the sky.

silhouette 网络解释

1. 轮廓:所有细微的紧绷皆需从这区域去除,在手臂及肩膀间需有种轻盈及放松的感觉,虽然在整个舞蹈中-包括PP位置,并退步(Fallaway),外侧舞伴动作--男性舞者身体与手臂关系所产生的做的轮廓(silhouette)需保持不变,但上半身,

2. 廓影:小册子中列出的单词 - 廓影(silhouette)、结构(structure)、跑步(run)、滑板(skate boarding)、痛苦(pain)、伤心(sorrows)等,看上去好像是没什么联系,但其中蕴涵着服饰、运动还有生活中必不可少的因素达到平衡之后会实现梦想(Dreams)的寓意.

silhouette 词典解释

1. (浅色或强光背景下衬托出的)暗色轮廓,影像,剪影
    A silhouette is the solid dark shape that you see when someone or something has a bright light or pale background behind them.

    e.g. The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.

2. 形状;外形;轮廓
    The silhouette of something is the outline that it has, which often helps you to recognize it.


    e.g. ...the distinctive silhouette of his ears...
    e.g. The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.

3. 呈侧面影像;呈黑色轮廓像
    If you see something in silhouette, you see it as a dark shape with no detail except for the outline.


    e.g. Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.

silhouette 单语例句

1. The sixth generation of the successful business saloon is characterized by charismatic presence, stylish elegance and a dynamic silhouette.

2. The coat and chiffon dress created a gentle silhouette that suited her figure.

3. Its upright chrome grille presents a more formal silhouette than its sportier North American counterpart.

4. I return to my compartment, as the train passes by palm and coconut trees silhouette against the moonlight sky.

5. Pepsi features iconic silhouette imagery of the King of Pop on cans with the launch of collectible limited edition designs.

6. A neat and firm silhouette was evident - shoulders were defined, while waists and trousers were slim at Gianfranco Ferre and Roberto Cavalli.

7. Though less block print and more girlish silhouette, there is definitely a buzz around town promising Beijing's own retro run of mod fashion.

8. " It's all about that hourglass silhouette that's so sexy, " says Frey.

9. The special materials allow the leather silhouette figures and stage properties to glitter when projected by backlights onto the screen.

10. He imagines that one day he will perform with the silhouette puppets he makes himself.

silhouette 英英释义



1. a drawing of the outline of an object
    filled in with some uniform color

2. an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow)


1. represent by a silhouette

2. project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette

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