
silky是什么意思 silky在线翻译 silky什么意思 silky的意思 silky的翻译 silky的解释 silky的发音 silky的同义词 silky的反义词 silky的例句

silky [ˈsɪlki]  [ˈsɪlki] 


silky 基本解释

形容词丝一样的,像绸缎的; 柔软的,光滑的; 优雅的; (酒)舐着舒服的

silky 相关例句


1. Her hair was very long and silky.

silky 网络解释

1. 丝一样的:这个软件的开发者显然倾向于把RAW 理解为感过光的胶片而不是显好影的底片. 所以他把这个软件叫做 Developer Studio,意思是显影工作室. 当然,内容还充实一点,既有冲片,又有精放. 精在哪里?他说,把象素(PIX )处理得丝一样的 (SILKY)细腻、油润.

2. silky的解释

2. 丝绸般的:质感(texture):表明酒在口腔内的触感,经常有些带想象色彩的形容词,比如钢铁般的(Steely),脆的(Crispy),天鹅绒般的 (velvety),丝绸般的(silky),蜡质般的(waxy),油脂般的(creamy),油一样的(oily)等等

3. 丝的:silkworm 蚕 | silky 丝的 | sill 基石

4. 敌人无法移动:speku:自杀; | Silky:敌人无法移动; | tough:切换困难级别.

silky 词典解释

1. 丝绸一样的;柔软光洁的
    If something has a silky texture, it is smooth, soft, and shiny, like silk.

    e.g. ...dresses in seductively silky fabrics...
    e.g. Claire smoothed Katy's silky hair.

2. (声音)轻柔的,柔和的,温和的
    If you describe someone's voice as silky, you mean that it sounds confident but gentle and you find it attractive.

    e.g. ...a well-spoken man with a silky voice.

3. (行动)平稳的,流畅的
    If you describe the way someone or something moves as silky, you mean that they move very smoothly.


    e.g. Some people moved in silky, liquid movements, others were jerky, probably drunk...
    e.g. I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent handling, quietness and silky gearchange.

silky 单语例句

1. The tannic backbone was strong yet silky, suggesting this wine needed at least a decade of cellaring.

2. The tannins offered silky threads of pleasure in my mouth and vanilla notes combined with cherry fruit aromas.

3. The soft tofu with sour and spicy sauce made with silky tofu has a chili sauce spicy enough to make it very interesting.

4. The egg is cooked at a constant temperature of 65 C, making it soft and silky.

5. The juices from the prawns flavor the custard and the soft silky texture of the egg complements the sweet crunch of the prawns.

6. Knead until silky smooth and pliable and keep aside for 30 minutes under a damp cloth.

7. We noticed a decidedly increased silky smoothness as we washed away the scrub, then sipped delicious watermelon juice contentedly.

8. It has an earthy nose and a warm and affectionate embrace of silky tannins and dark fruit flavors.

9. The Spanish side did not disappoint by taking the spectacle with their silky smooth skills.

10. Finer grades than this will feel silky but will present problems with wear and may not drape well.

silky 英英释义


1. having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light

    e.g. glossy auburn hair
           satiny gardenia petals
           sleek black fur
           silken eyelashes
           silky skin
           a silklike fabric
           slick seals and otters

    Synonym: satinysleeksilkensilklikeslick

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