
simple是什么意思 simple在线翻译 simple什么意思 simple的意思 simple的翻译 simple的解释 simple的发音 simple的同义词 simple的反义词 simple的例句

simple [ˈsɪmpl]  [ˈsɪmpəl] 


simple 基本解释


形容词简单的; 单纯的; 易受骗的; 天真的

名词笨蛋; 愚蠢的行为; 出身低微者

simple 同义词

simple 反义词

simple 相关词组

1. pure and simple : 十足的;


simple 相关例句


1. simple的近义词

1. She's so simple she'll believe anything you tell her.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Such a toy is simple to make.

3. My sisters are both simple office workers.

4. His parents were simple people.

5. The little boy can already do simple problems in arithmetic.

simple 网络解释

1. 简单的:等级10以上最大生命值减少5 B级释放卷轴 猎鼠者(Hamster Hunters) 最大伤害减少10-12 小鸡(Chicken) 最小负伤率减少1-6%最大负伤率减少1-20% 驯狐者(Fox Tamers) 最小伤害增加1-2 狐狸的(Fox) 等级14以上最小伤害增加1-2,最大伤害增加1-4 简单的(simple) 武器 等级10以上,

2. 简易的:数字治理作为政府部门应用信息技术的必然产物,是电子政务与治理理论的完美结合,将成为SMART治理模式,即简易的(Simple)、道德的(Moral)、负责任的(Accountable)、回应性的(Responsive)、透明的(Transparent)治理模式,

3. 单一:激烈运动后,摄取单一(simple)和复合(compIex)碳水化合物,在48小时内对肌肉肝醣之影响,于运动后26小时,两种食物对肌肉肝醣含量没有影响,但在24-48小时之间,摄取复合碳水化合物食物使肌肉肝醣含量显著地高于单一碳水化合物.

4. simple:savings incentive match plan for employees; 员工储蓄奖励配合计画

simple 词典解释

1. 简单的;简明的;易于理解的
    If you describe something as simple, you mean that it is not complicated, and is therefore easy to understand.

    e.g. ...simple pictures and diagrams.
    e.g. ...pages of simple advice on filling in your tax form...

When applying for a visa state simply and clearly the reasons why you need it.

2. 简朴的;朴素的;不加装饰的
    If you describe people or things as simple, you mean that they have all the basic or necessary things they require, but nothing extra.

    e.g. The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel...
    e.g. He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans.

The living room is furnished simply with wicker furniture...
He dressed simply and led a quiet family life.

3. 好办的;容易的;易解决的;简单的
    If a problem is simple or if its solution is simple, the problem can be solved easily.

    e.g. Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite simple...
    e.g. The answer is simple...

4. 易做的;易完成的;易解决的
    A simple task is easy to do.


    e.g. The job itself had been simple enough...
    e.g. The simplest way to install a shower is to fit one over the bath.

Simply dial the number and tell us your area.

5. 头脑简单的;愚笨的;迟钝的
    If you say that someone is simple, you mean that they are not very intelligent and have difficulty learning things.


    e.g. He was simple as a child.

6. (强调原因)纯粹的,完全的
    You use simple to emphasize that the thing you are referring to is the only important or relevant reason for something.

    e.g. His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.

7. (动词时态)一般的,简单的
    In grammar, simple tenses are ones which are formed without an auxiliary verb 'be', for example 'I dressed and went for a walk' and 'This tastes nice'. Simple verb groups are used especially to refer to completed actions, regular actions, and situations.

8. (语法上指句子)简单的
      In English grammar, a simple sentence consists of one main clause.

9. see also: simply

simple 单语例句

1. Yet translated into simple business English, they actually mean one thing - diesel.

2. The special dimensions of Hong Kong include a welcoming business environment supported by an effective legal system and a low and simple tax structure.

3. It's not going out for fancy dinners, it's just simple things like a slap on the butt or something like that.

4. The villagers used to make a simple living partly by cultivating small paddy fields, and by working for the logging companies.

5. In one of its first appearances in Chinese culture, the dragon was depicted as a simple curve like the letter " C " with a tail.

6. However, none of the presidential candidates gathered simple majority support from the 578 voting CA members.

7. If officials opt for a simple solution, they may think that building a few new villages would be a good idea.

8. She lifted her own very simple very basic cell phone to call home, to let her family know she'd be working overtime that night.

9. " The reason I called this meeting is very simple, " said European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

10. " I was treasured in my family as the youngest of six children, " Liu recalled calmly in his simple but tidy office.

simple 英英释义



1. a person lacking intelligence or common sense

    Synonym: simpleton

2. any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties


1. easy and not involved or complicated

    e.g. an elementary problem in statistics
           elementary, my dear Watson
           a simple game
           found an uncomplicated solution to the problem

    Synonym: elementaryuncomplicatedunproblematic

2. unornamented

    e.g. a simple country schoolhouse
           her black dress--simple to austerity

3. lacking mental capacity and subtlety

    Synonym: dim-wittedsimple-minded

4. (botany) of leaf shapes
    of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions

    Synonym: unsubdivided

5. having few parts
    not complex or complicated or involved

    e.g. a simple problem
           simple mechanisms
           a simple design
           a simple substance

6. exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity

    e.g. childlike trust
           dewy-eyed innocence
           listened in round-eyed wonder

    Synonym: childlikewide-eyedround-eyeddewy-eyed

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