
simplicity是什么意思 simplicity在线翻译 simplicity什么意思 simplicity的意思 simplicity的翻译 simplicity的解释 simplicity的发音 simplicity的同义词

simplicity [sɪmˈplɪsəti]  [sɪmˈplɪsɪti] 


simplicity 基本解释

名词简单,朴素; 质朴,天真; 卑贱; 无知


simplicity 同义词

simplicity 反义词


simplicity 相关例句


1. She dressed with elegant simplicity.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The advantage of the idea was its simplicity.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. His simplicity made him easily fooled.

simplicity 网络解释

1. 朴素:十月十五日生日花:香矢车菊(Sweet Sultan) 花 语:朴素(Simplicity) 香矢车菊是被选来献给托钵修道会的改革者-圣泰勒沙,所谓的托钵修道会是一个里面所属的修士或修女们,都一定要将鞋子舍去,过着赤足生活的修道会.

2. 简单性:兴趣度测量原语包括:简单性(simplicity确定性(certainty,比如:可信度效用(utility,比如:支持度新颖性(novelty). DMQL正是基于这些原语设计的数据挖掘查询语言. 它允许从关系数据库和数据仓库中多个抽象层次上特殊(ad-hoc)和交互地挖掘多种种类的知识.

simplicity 词典解释

1. 简单;容易;简明
    The simplicity of something is the fact that it is not complicated and can be understood or done easily.

    e.g. The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive...
    e.g. Because of its simplicity, this test could be carried out easily by a family doctor.

2. 简单;质朴;朴素
    When you talk about something's simplicity, you approve of it because it has no unnecessary parts or complicated details.


    e.g. ...fussy details that ruin the simplicity of the design...
    e.g. A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.

3. 非常简单;非常容易
    If you say that something is simplicity itself, you are emphasizing that it is very simple or easy.


    e.g. The kitchen is simplicity itself, relying on a combination of good design, craftsmanship and quality materials for its effect...
    e.g. Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself.

simplicity 单语例句

1. The interior reminds me of the chair that I sat in on that first lazy afternoon - charming in its simplicity and inelegance.

2. Sobek's architectural design is characterized by an extreme simplicity using new materials of transparency and adaptability.

3. The simplicity in some of my earlier works reads to me like a diary of my life as a choreographer.

4. Its simplicity was a selling point, as was its ability to keep going in the severe cold.

5. These include superior connectivity and frequencies both in Asia and globally, as well as immense trust in the efficiency and simplicity of Hong Kong's customs processes.

6. A Tour of China is so cunning and stunning in its simplicity that one has to wonder why it had never been thought of before.

7. Wu Yong continues the theme of simplicity cut out by Exception, highlighting the quality of organic materials and the value of handicrafts.

8. The weight and fluid simplicity of the cutlery confirm the thought behind the owner's attention to detail.

9. Zhang says Hsi's poems impress her most because of their richness and deceptive simplicity.

10. But the sheer delight of staying somewhere so lush in its simplicity and experiencing the best of Japanese hospitality is worth every penny.


simplicity 英英释义



1. lack of ornamentation

    e.g. the room was simply decorated with great restraint

    Synonym: chastenessrestraintsimpleness

2. freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

    e.g. he rose through the ranks with apparent ease
           they put it into containers for ease of transportation
           the very easiness of the deed held her back

    Synonym: easeeasinesssimpleness

3. the quality of being simple or uncompounded

    e.g. the simplicity of a crystal

    Synonym: simpleness

4. absence of affectation or pretense

    Synonym: simmpleness

5. a lack of penetration or subtlety

    e.g. they took advantage of her simplicity

    Synonym: simplenesssimple mindedness

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