
sitting是什么意思 sitting在线翻译 sitting什么意思 sitting的意思 sitting的翻译 sitting的解释 sitting的发音 sitting的同义词 sitting的反义词

sitting [ˈsɪtɪŋ]  [ˈsɪtɪŋ] 


sitting 基本解释


名词(摆姿势让人画像或拍照的)一次(时间); 开会; 入席; (饭店等)一批

形容词坐着的; 就座的; 在任期中的; 孵卵中的

动词(使)坐( sit的现在分词 ); 坐落; 处在; (在…中)任职

sitting 相关例句


1. In this dining hall 1000 people can be served at one sitting.

2. The sitting is open.

3. I read the book at a single sitting.

4. He finished reading the book at one sitting.

sitting 情景对话



A:Hi, do you have any tickets for the show tonight?

B:Sorry, it’s all sold out.


A:Well, do you have any for tomorrow?


B:We have tickets for the matinee. It starts at 3p.m.

A:Ok. I’ll take it.


B:Where would you like to sit?


A:Do you have anything in the middle section? I want a good view, but sitting too close hurts my eyes.



A:Ah, Lian and Lok. Welcome. It’s a pleasure to see you here again. Now, you know everyone here, except for Ahmed.

B:How do you do?

A:How do you do?

B:A pleasure.

A:Ahmed is our business manager. He’ll be sitting in. Can we get you anything? Tea or coffee?
      阿麦德是我们的业务经理。他会旁听这次谈判。 二位需要喝些什么吗?茶还是咖啡?

B:No, thank you.

A:We’re fine thanks.


B:All right then. Please, take a seat. I know your time is valuable. We’re hoping that this meeting won’t go longer than an hour. Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish?
      那好,各位请坐吧。 我知道各位的时间很宝贵,我们希望这次会晤的时间不要超过一个小时。 会谈结束时二位是否需要我们为您安排计程车呢?


A:Thank you. That would be great.

B:I’ll make a note of it. I have an agenda drawn up but feel free to change the order or add items as you wish.
      我会记住这件事的。 我这里有一份起草好了的会谈程序,不过如果二位有任何议题需要增减的话,请务必不要拘泥于此。

A:This looks fine. You seem to have covered everything.


A:Good morning, sir, where are you going?

B:I’m going to England by flight B.E.987.
      我乘英国国际航空公司987 航班去英国。


A:When is your flight?


B:!0:00 a.m. When am I supposed to check in?
      上午10 点钟,我应什么时候办理登机手续?


A:We are checking in. May I have your ticket? And your health certificate and your luggage, please.

B:Here you are.

A:Are you keeping this small bags as carry-on luggage, sir?


A:You must weight that as well.

B:All right.

A:Your luggage is two pounds over, I am afraid there’ll be an excess luggage charge, sir.
      先生,您的行李超重2 磅,您得付超重费了。

B:How much must I pay?

A:It’s 10 yuan.
      应该是10 元。


B:Here you are.


A:This your luggage check (ticket) which you must show when you disembark at your destnation, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.


A:Now please wait until your flight is called. There are about twenty-five minutes to go.
      您等着您的航班呼叫好吗?大约还有25 分钟就要呼叫了。

B:I’m a little nervous. I have never flown before.

A:There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re in the air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant flight.

sitting 网络解释

1. 坐:该套控制系统可由UAS飞行员和感测器操作人员进行重设,当控制多项功能时有「立(standing)」或「坐(sitting)」两种选择,并可同时控制多种类型的UAS. 雷神公司还开发1套新型控制系统,以取代其当前用於美国空军RQ-4机队的地面站.

2. 现在分词,作宾语补足语:You've done it,Chris.You're really something. 克里斯,你成功了. 你可真了不起. | sitting现在分词,作宾语补足语 | Smoking room:(俱乐部内)为吸烟的成员所设饮酒、谈话的场所.

3. 入席:sitting room 起居室 | sitting 入席 | situate 位于

4. 久坐:sipping cup || 吮杯 | Sitting || 久坐 | Skin || 皮肤

sitting 词典解释

1. (因场地限制而分批用餐的)一批,一轮
    A sitting is one of the periods when a meal is served when there is not enough space for everyone to eat at the same time.


    e.g. Dinner was in two sittings.

2. 召开会议;举行例会
    A sitting of a parliament, legislature, court, or other official body is one of the occasions when it meets in order to carry out its work.

    e.g. ...the recent emergency sittings of the UN Security Council.

3. (总统或议员)现任的,在任期内的
    A sitting president or member of parliament is a present one, not a future or past one.

    e.g. ...the greatest clash in our history between a sitting president and an ex-president.

4. see also: sit

5. 处于优越地位;处于优势
    If you are sitting pretty, you are in a very favourable situation.

    e.g. If we'd let them buy it for a quarter of a million, we'd be sitting pretty by now.
           要是当初我们让他以 25 万的价钱买下来的话,我们现在就会处于上风了。

sitting 单语例句

1. Sitting inside his taxi parked outside the University of International Business and Economics, Zhao was totally absorbed in his game.

2. There was a grand old building sitting behind balustrades on top of twin staircases, looking much like an elaborately frosted Christmas cake.

3. Carol's having a hard time keeping a straight face in her classroom this semester, what with Hotmail sitting in the front row.

4. I quickly noticed a young man in my carriage who had taken a particular liking to a young lady sitting nearby.

5. Tears streamed down the face of one man sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV that carried another victim away.

6. The mail carrier countered by saying only a sitting president could get free postage.

7. The painting shows the emperor sitting in his sedan chair carried by six maids, while three others hold an umbrella and two fans for him.

8. We have a committee chairperson, and many employees are sitting on the committee itself.

9. Parents of candidates sitting for the exams were openly talking about buying gadgets for cheating, or bribing supervisors to make them look the other way.

10. The incident began with a police identity check on a man sitting alone in a flower bed early in the morning.

sitting 英英释义



1. the act of assuming or maintaining a seated position

    e.g. he read the mystery at one sitting

2. (photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait)

    e.g. he wanted his portrait painted but couldn't spare time for the sitting

    Synonym: posing

3. a session as of a legislature or court

4. a meeting of spiritualists

    e.g. the seance was held in the medium's parlor

    Synonym: seancesession


1. (of persons) having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttocks

    e.g. the seated Madonna
           the audience remained seated

    Synonym: seated

2. not moving and therefore easy to attack

    e.g. a sitting target

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