
ski是什么意思 ski在线翻译 ski什么意思 ski的意思 ski的翻译 ski的解释 ski的发音 ski的同义词 ski的反义词 ski的例句 ski的相关词组

ski [ski:]  [ski] 


ski 基本解释

名词滑雪; 滑雪板; 滑水橇; 滑行装置


ski 相关例句


1. The trail can be skied.

2. ski的意思

2. They were properly footed and skied.

3. Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope?


1. They go skiing in Switzerland every winter.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. You can hire skis here if you haven't got your own.

ski 网络解释

1. 滑雪板:男士雪鞋(ski boots) 27.5/Men 9.5, 80刀 滑雪板(ski)加binding, 170cm長, 80刀 兩樣都非常新 一起買只要 150刀... ...卖4条免税店方盒国际555 - 60一条(Richmond) 一共三盒. 电话可留言, 谢谢 ... ...

2. 滑雪橇:比如对于克伦斯基(Kerensky)这个名字,尽管克伦斯基(Kerensky)是个男的,这并不妨碍你用一个你认识的女子,如卡伦(Karen)来代替他,想像卡伦(Karen)站在滑雪橇(ski)上(Kerensky跟Karen ski发音相似.

3. ski的近义词

3. ski:scaffolding knowledge integration; 提出鹰架式知识整合

ski 词典解释

1. 滑雪板;滑水板
    Skis are long, flat, narrow pieces of wood, metal, or plastic that are fastened to boots so that you can move easily on snow or water.


    e.g. ...a pair of skis.

2. 滑雪;滑水
    When people ski, they move over snow or water on skis.

    e.g. They surf, ski and ride...
    e.g. The whole party then skied off.

He is an enthusiastic skier.
My hobbies were skiing and scuba diving.
...a skiing holiday.

3. 滑雪用的;滑雪的;滑水的
    You use ski to refer to things that are concerned with skiing.

    e.g. ...the Swiss ski resort of Klosters.
    e.g. ...a private ski instructor.

4. see also: water-ski

ski 单语例句

1. A movie made by the renowned ski film producer Teton Gravity Research will be screened during the festival.

2. You could actually take a lesson in an hour or two hours and be able to ski or snowboard by yourself.

3. Yabuli Ski Resort is China's largest with the best facilities and services to cater for the game's skiing events.

4. The ski centre offers all kinds of ski training for everyone from kindergarteners to sport lovers.

5. Ski Santa Fe has the first new chair in New Mexico in several years, a triple that opens up six new trails from the top of Deception Peak.

6. In previous years violent activists have stayed away from the chic ski resort and staged violent demonstrations elsewhere in Switzerland instead.

7. A number of ski resorts are located in the suburbs of city.

8. Ski areas east of Los Angeles got a big coating of snow, but travel in the rugged mountain resort region nearly impossible in many areas.

9. An Australian man working a seasonal job at a Colorado ski shop is set to go to trial today for throwing a snowball.

10. It is actually composed of several ski resorts of various sizes with over 10 hotels ranging from basic guesthouses to luxury hotels.

ski 英英释义


1. narrow wood or metal or plastic runners used in pairs for gliding over snow



1. move along on skis

    e.g. We love to ski the Rockies
           My children don't ski

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