
sleek是什么意思 sleek在线翻译 sleek什么意思 sleek的意思 sleek的翻译 sleek的解释 sleek的发音 sleek的同义词 sleek的反义词 sleek的例句

sleek [sli:k]  [slik] 


sleek 基本解释

形容词时髦的; 圆滑的,花言巧语的; 有光泽的; (动植物)喂养得好的,长得好的

及物动词使光滑,使有光泽; 掩饰,隐瞒; 使整洁

不及物动词打扮整洁; 滑动

sleek 相关例句


1. sleek

1. The sleek ship slid from the harbor.

sleek 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 圆滑:致的或者圆滑(sleek)的表演者,却不是那种真正的作秀家. 我的同行,

2. 光滑的:slave sweep 从动扫描 | sleek 光滑的 | sleeve 套筒,套管

3. sleek在线翻译

3. 轧光斜纹棉布:sledge 小雪撬 | sleek 轧光斜纹棉布 | sleeked dowlas 低级亚麻平纹布

4. 有光泽的:sledge 大锤;雪橇;雪橇运输 | sleek 有光泽的 | sleeker 磨光器

sleek 词典解释

1. (毛发、皮毛等)柔顺亮泽的
    Sleek hair or fur is smooth and shiny and looks healthy.

    e.g. ...sleek black hair...
    e.g. The horse's sleek body gleamed.

2. 时髦阔气的
    If you describe someone as sleek, you mean that they look rich and stylish.


    e.g. Lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other multi millionaire businessman.

3. (车辆等)外形流畅雅致的,造型优美的
    Sleek vehicles, furniture, or other objects look smooth, shiny, and expensive.

    e.g. ... a sleek white BMW.
    e.g. ...sleek modern furniture.

sleek 单语例句

1. Diners can enjoy upscale Cantonese cuisine in a sleek main dining room, accented by decorative room separators and dark stone flooring.

2. Or skip a table lamp entirely and add drama with a hanging crystal chandelier or a sleek modern one.

3. The prior charm of the lofty venue has been preserved by the new owner, expanded by sleek renovations of the natural wood interior.

4. The new system has sleek graphics and can make for easier computing.

5. Mine is a sleek city runabout compared to the weighty, more masculine model that comes with a reinforced crossbar designed to carry pigs.

6. The newest outpost in the Crystal Jade empire sports a striking rounded window, which surrounds a sleek waterfall and bar.

7. The interior decor is all clean lines and muted tones, as sleek and modern as the restaurant's new age dining philosophy.

8. The building adopts a sleek and realistic glass and metallic shell so visitors can enjoy the building's changing appearance depending on the weather and light.

9. We entered the sleek interior of Yuan Spa's reception area and felt imbued with an earthen feel.

10. Their fur is sleek and silky and they nuzzle their feed while listening to music playing in the background.

sleek 英英释义


1. make slick or smooth

    Synonym: slick



1. having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light

    e.g. glossy auburn hair
           satiny gardenia petals
           sleek black fur
           silken eyelashes
           silky skin
           a silklike fabric
           slick seals and otters

    Synonym: satinysilkensilkysilklikeslick

2. designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow

    e.g. a streamlined convertible

    Synonym: streamlinedaerodynamicflowing

3. well-groomed and neatly tailored
    especially too well-groomed

    e.g. sleek figures in expensive clothes

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