
sleeping是什么意思 sleeping在线翻译 sleeping什么意思 sleeping的意思 sleeping的翻译 sleeping的解释 sleeping的发音 sleeping的同义词

sleeping ['sli:pɪŋ]  [ˈslipɪŋ] 


sleeping 基本解释


形容词睡着的; 供睡觉用的; 不要多事; 不要自找麻烦

动词为…提供床位( sleep的现在分词 )

sleeping 网络解释

1. 睡眠:之后,她又推出了<<睡眠>>(Sleeping) ,香水瓶型用水晶制成,形似一直蜡烛,随后,又推出一款<<气息>>(Snuff) ,形似一根笛子. 她所有的香水包装都非常奇特、鲁莽,而且微带戏谑的味道,和达达主义、超现实主义的大胆、魔幻、超越现实如出一辙,

2. 和你一同感受着悲伤长眠在一起:Oh how I wish to go down with the sun我多么希望能随着日落一去不复返 | Sleeping和你一同感受着悲伤长眠在一起 | Sorrow has a human heart心灵上的创伤

3. 轻轻地,柔柔地睡了:Softly,now softly lies已经睡了,我的太阳, | Sleeping.轻轻地,柔柔地睡了. | Sleep is a reconciling,睡眠,给你休憩,

sleeping 词典解释

1. 同住宿有关的;睡觉的
    You use sleeping to describe places where people sleep or things concerned with where people sleep.


    e.g. On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children.
    e.g. ...investigations of people's finances, sleeping arrangements and housekeeping habits.

sleeping 单语例句

1. He survived by selling gum and energy drinks, and sleeping " on the stairs or in public toilets ".

2. Technical staff even sent a cotton breeding species into space on board a satellite, seeking to activate some sleeping genes in the species.

3. Passersby who spotted the man sleeping on the tree were forced to call firefighters after their calls to him went unheard.

4. Sleeping in a dark and quiet environment during the day can improve sleep and prevent early morning sunlight from activating the internal daytime clock.

5. She usually drives between the three cities across two countries'vastly different terrain, her baby calmly sleeping and her smart phone within easy reach.

6. Witnesses said the property owner was sleeping when she was disturbed by the sound of her faulty refrigerator catching on fire.

7. Other published photos show him clothed and seated on a chair doing some washing, sleeping and walking in what is described as his prison yard.

8. " Buddha sleeping, " a chant to the accompaniment of percussion on " wooden block " focuses the group.

9. Liang felt so humiliated that she fed him with sleeping pills and then strangled him with adhesive tape.

10. Zhu reportedly ground up sleeping pills and mixed the drugs into his cold medications.

sleeping 英英释义


1. the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate

2. quiet and inactive restfulness

    Synonym: quiescencequiescencydormancy

3. the state of being asleep



1. lying with head on paws as if sleeping

    Synonym: dormant(ip)

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