
sleeve是什么意思 sleeve在线翻译 sleeve什么意思 sleeve的意思 sleeve的翻译 sleeve的解释 sleeve的发音 sleeve的同义词 sleeve的反义词 sleeve的例句

sleeve [sli:v]  [sliv] 


sleeve 基本解释

名词[机]套筒,套管; 袖子,袖套; 唱片套

及物动词给…装袖子; 给…装套筒

sleeve 相关词组

1. have sth. up one's sleeve : 有锦囊妙计, 有应急之策;

sleeve 相关例句


1. He rolled up his sleeves and got down to work.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The photograph of the conductor was printed on the record sleeve.

3. sleeve的意思

3. His shirt had short sleeves.

sleeve 情景对话



A:I am going to be home a little bit late tonight. You’ll have to have supper on your own.

B:Why is that?

A:There’s a big sale at Macy’s today. Everything is either buy one, get one free, or half price.


B:You’re not going to spend all of our money, are you?


A:Of course not. The offer is too good to pass up, isn’t it?

B:I guess so. Would you mind picking up some shirts for me if you see some?


A:Sure, which color would you like?


B:A green and a light blue one.

A:Ok. Would you like long sleeve or short sleeve shirts?

B:Long sleeves, please.

A:Do you need anything else?


B:Check out the appliances section. We could really need another washing machine.

A:Ok, I will. Hopefully that will be half off instead of buy one get one free.

B:Just have a look.

A:Anything else?

B:Actually, we could use a new lawn mower. And maybe a grill for the backyard.

A:Do you just want to come along? It might be easier if we both went.


B:Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go!


A:Do you have any money?


B:No, but I have plenty of credit cards.


A:Maybe I should hang on to those. I know what happens when you get around tools and machines!

sleeve 网络解释

1. 袖套:这与购买二手车一样,外表好看引擎却是记程车的引擎(举例而已),也就是说要对原厂牌球杆的特质要有些基本的认知例如:制造者签名、厂牌Logo和制杆发展的演进变化,前截特质(软硬调、幅度)、先角材质、中轮材质、接合螺丝规格、一贯的花样设计传统、袖套(Sleeve)的长度、大轮的规格

2. 套管:1.本产品原材料有:磁芯(K9 DRWW 3*6),线径(由不同规格做不同大小的线径),涂层(COATTNG)ZY2030GREEN,圈数(由不同规格绕不同圈数),套管(SLEEVE). 2.本产品全部为无铅环保(Rohs)料制做而成; 3.最小包装:0204-4K/盒,0307-3K/盒,

sleeve 词典解释

1. 袖子
    The sleeves of a coat, shirt, or other item of clothing are the parts that cover your arms.

    e.g. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows...
    e.g. He wore a black band on the left sleeve of his jacket.

2. (唱片)封套
    A record sleeve is the stiff envelope in which a record is kept.

    e.g. There are to be no pictures of him on the sleeve of the new record.
    e.g. ...an album sleeve.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 jacket

3. 流露自己的感情;把喜怒挂在脸上
    If someone wears their heart on their sleeve, they behave in a way that makes their feelings very obvious, for example when they are in love with someone.

4. 藏有…想法;留有锦囊妙计;心中另有…高招
    If you have something up your sleeve, you have an idea or plan which you have not told anyone about. You can also say that someone has an ace, card, or trick up their sleeve .

    e.g. He wondered what Shearson had up his sleeve...
    e.g. I'd been doing some quiet investigating in the meantime and had an ace up my sleeve.

sleeve 单语例句

1. He was clumsy with the hoe and wiped forehead sweat with the sleeve of his national team jersey.

2. But the rock is so hard that only the top few hundred feet of the escape hole needed to be reinforced with a steel sleeve.

3. Chou will strum his guitar and he has got some hoop tricks up his sleeve.

4. He fainted as he spotted a slender hand protruding from a red pajama sleeve in the debris.

5. Or you yourself may prepare all the possible answers and hide the sheet in your sleeve or pencil box.

6. Bob Dudley is not one to wear his disappointment on his sleeve.

7. He really wears his heart on his sleeve, and when he was dating Zoe he had her name tattooed above his heart.

8. The bank stopped short of mentioning the move in its June report, leaving the market wondering what it had up its sleeve.

9. Some won't even be wearing their heart on their sleeve as their nation goes to battle on the football pitch.

10. It's easier to know what he has up his sleeve because till now he has been shooting from the hip.


sleeve 英英释义


1. the part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the arm

    Synonym: arm

2. small case into which an object fits

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