
slid是什么意思 slid在线翻译 slid什么意思 slid的意思 slid的翻译 slid的解释 slid的发音 slid的同义词 slid的反义词 slid的例句 slid的相关词组

slid [slɪd]  [slɪd] 

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slid 基本解释


动词滑落; 下跌; 滑动,滑行( slide的过去式和过去分词 ); 打滑

slid 网络解释

1. 滑动:slickness 巧妙的 | slid 滑动 | slide fastener 拉链

2. 幻灯片:黑点 black spo | 幻灯片 slid | 光珊 gratin

3. 棒球里面的术语,滑垒:几条大汉把我撩倒了 sliding into second. | Bruiser:彪形大汉, 粗壮的人,尤其指职业拳击家. | Slid:棒球里面的术语,滑垒.

4. 劳动力和收入动态调查(加拿大统计部门):PPP 购买力平价 | SLID 劳动力和收入动态调查(加拿大统计部门) | UNDP 联合国开发计划署

slid 双语例句

1. He slid the tome to Teer; she too signed, and then slid it in front of Hart.

2. I slid the door open, and the header for the back of the van. And there was the small man in his small car.

3. All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room.

4. Again and again, as he slept, he had slid down that snow-covered hill.

5. I was doing my homework, she slid down the couch.

6. Warm tears slid down his cheeks but he did nothing to stop them.

7. slid

7. He slid down when skiing, but he only laughed it off.

8. A big area of snow slid down the mountain.

9. The Insight slid to third place - topped by Honda`s non-hybrid Fit.

10. It turned into a mountain as slick as glass, down which horses and riders all slid to their death.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. At first she seemed overcome with amazement; then tears flowed from her wondering eyes; and then she smiled sunnily through them, and one of her arms slid tenderly about the broker's neck.

12. slid的意思

12. At first she seemed overcome with amazement; then tears flowed from her wondering eyes; and then she smiled sunnily through them, and one of her arms slid tenderly about the broker`s neck.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Silently cursing himself for an idiot, he slid into the narrow aisle between the packed goods.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. Rain from the sky every corner of the world, from the days under the roof of the slide and slid wall, and then playing in the leaves falling.

15. Scotland a game played on ice; curling stones are slid toward a target.

16. slid的解释

16. I find that more than eight thousand days have already slid away from me.

17. No one knew when she slid out of the room.

18. My life have slid to the low.
      A 我的生活跌入了低谷。

19. If anything, it is remarkable that Iraq has not slid into an all-out civil war.

20. slid的近义词

20. They slid on the banister and came downstairs head first.

slid 单语例句

1. The stock had slid more than 21 per cent since August 24, when the camera maker announced it was under regulatory investigation.

2. Against such a background many fine commodities have slid away, with inferior goods rising to capitalize in such an environment.

3. Friedrich's low drive from 20 yards slid viciously over the sodden turf, catching Douglas unawares with his delayed dive only serving to parry.

4. Chinese stocks slid for the first time in three days as cautious investors cut holdings of property and financial stocks to lock in profit.

5. She presided over a period of increasing political violence by leftist guerrilla groups and rightist death squads while the economy slid into chaos.

6. Most deaths in Chittagong occurred in a shantytown where chunks of earth slid off soaked hillsides Monday and buried dozens of crudely built shacks.

7. Shares in Fannie Mae slid 17 percent to close below a quarter each.

8. Jiangxi Copper Co and Aluminum Corp of China Ltd slid more than 2 percent on concern policy tightening will curb demand for raw materials.

9. In comparison, cotton stockpiles have slid rapidly coming into 2010 when bad weather eroded global cotton output.

10. Only 24 seconds had elapsed when Pato coolly slid the ball under goalkeeper Victor Valdes after dashing through Barcelona's half.

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