
sloppy是什么意思 sloppy在线翻译 sloppy什么意思 sloppy的意思 sloppy的翻译 sloppy的解释 sloppy的发音 sloppy的同义词 sloppy的反义词 sloppy的例句

sloppy [ˈslɒpi]  [ˈslɑ:pi] 


sloppy 基本解释

形容词懒散的,草率的; 稀薄的; 多雨的,泥泞的; 过于伤感的


sloppy 网络解释

1. 邋遢:悉尼路上辣妹不算少,邋遢(sloppy)的装束也随处可见,十分韬光养晦. 写字楼里的MM周末穿件毛衣居然肘子袖口都磨出洞了--绝对不是故意挖的洞. 除了高级经理以上级别的人,很多STAFF没听说过路易威登.

2. 马虎的,草率的:- fascinating 迷人的 | - sloppy 马虎的,草率的 | - misguided 误导的

3. [不小心]喝醉酒的:skag 丑女孩 | sloppy [不小心]喝醉酒的 | space cadet 反复无常的人

4. 泥泞的:sloping 倾斜的 | sloppy 泥泞的 | slopshop 成衣店

sloppy 词典解释

1. 马虎的;敷衍的;草率的
    If you describe someone's work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way.

    e.g. He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues...
    e.g. His language is disjointed and sloppy.

They lost because they played sloppily.
Miss Furniss could not abide sloppiness.

2. 伤感浪漫的;无病呻吟的
    If you describe someone or something as sloppy, you mean that they are sentimental and romantic.

    e.g. It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie.
    e.g. ...some sloppy love-story.

sloppy 单语例句

1. The point guard closed strong offensively in what was an unusually sloppy game with seven turnovers and five assists.

2. Investigators believe that the design defects occurred because of the institute's sloppy management and the corporation's failure to fulfill its duty.

3. Sloppy defending allowed Chinese midfielder Zheng Zhi to deliver a centre from the right for Holland to scramble over the line from six yards.

4. She appeared a little bit sloppy after a few movements on the beam and struggled to land some of her jumps.

5. China coach Chen Zhonghe was not one hundred percent content with his players'performance, stressing that the team needed to elude sloppy play at crucial moments.

6. Some seismologists claim that the evacuation was merely fortuitous since the warning consisted of sloppy data and insufficient evidence.

7. The pitchers were a bit on the wild side, and some of the fielding was sloppy.

8. Both players blamed the sloppy play on the gusty wind common on Key Biscayne.

9. Sloppy handwriting has felled many a hopeful candidate for the country's notoriously difficult official examinations.

10. The actors simply performed what the storyteller had told them despite the substandard quality of the story as well as the sloppy and illogical narration.


sloppy 英英释义


1. marked by great carelessness

    e.g. a most haphazard system of record keeping
           slapdash work
           slipshod spelling
           sloppy workmanship

    Synonym: haphazardslapdashslipshod

2. excessively or abnormally emotional

    Synonym: overemotional

3. not fitting closely
    hanging loosely

    e.g. baggy trousers
           a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather

    Synonym: baggyloose-fitting

4. lacking neatness or order

    e.g. a sloppy room
           sloppy habits

5. (of soil) soft and watery

    e.g. the ground was boggy under foot
           a marshy coastline
           miry roads
           wet mucky lowland
           muddy barnyard
           quaggy terrain
           the sloughy edge of the pond
           swampy bayous

    Synonym: boggymarshymirymuckymuddyquaggysloughysoggysquashyswampywaterlogged

6. wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material

    e.g. a sloppy floor
           a sloppy saucer

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