
smack是什么意思 smack在线翻译 smack什么意思 smack的意思 smack的翻译 smack的解释 smack的发音 smack的同义词 smack的反义词 smack的例句

smack [smæk]  [smæk] 


smack 基本解释


名词掌掴(声); 海洛因; (打的)一拳; 打巴掌

副词直接地; 准确地; 猛烈地; 急剧地

smack 相关词组

1. smack down : 责骂, 使丧失地位, 使失去身分;

smack 相关例句


1. He hit me smack in the face.


1. He smacked the naughty child.

2. smack是什么意思

2. She smacked him with her open hand.


1. She gave him a smack on the face.

2. Don't do that or you'll get a smack.

smack 网络解释

1. 滋味:smack down 责骂 | smack 滋味 | smacker 咂咂声

2. 气味:Sm 钐 | smack 气味 | smalite 高岭石

3. 掴,拍:attack 攻击 | smack 掴,拍 | hack 劈,砍

smack 词典解释

1. (用手)打;掌掴
    If you smack someone, you hit them with your hand.


    e.g. She smacked me on the side of the head.

2. 啪的一声甩(或扔、打等)
    If you smack something somewhere, you put it or throw it there so that it makes a loud, sharp noise.


    e.g. He smacked his hands down on his knees...
    e.g. Ray Houghton smacked the ball against a post.

3. 令人想起;类似于;含有…的意味
    If one thing smacks of another thing that you consider bad, it reminds you of it or is like it.

    e.g. The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism.

4. 正好,恰巧(在某处)
    Something that is smack in a particular place is exactly in that place.


    e.g. In part that's because industry is smack in the middle of the city.

5. 海洛因;白面
    Smack is heroin.


6. 咂嘴(尤指吃前或吃后,表示很想吃或吃得很香)
    If you smack your lips, you open and close your mouth noisily, especially before or after eating, to show that you are eager to eat or enjoyed eating.


    e.g. 'I really want some dessert,' Keaton says, smacking his lips.

smack 单语例句

1. Joel often wakes up to find himself pushed to the side of the bed, while Nicole is asleep smack dab in the middle.

2. The city is beginning to smack of " modernity " at the expense of its traditional buildings.

3. This young foreign backpacker can be seen on video on China Smack kneeling beside the stricken woman and calling for help.

4. To date, its efforts smack more of public relations than genuine steps to reduce growth.

5. A referendum is under way in New Zealand on whether it should remain a criminal offense to smack children.

6. China Smack provided a link to another news story which might explain the reluctance of people to get involved.

7. The Chinese capital has some of the most beautiful architecture in the world and much of it is right smack in the city.

8. What's worse is that there are athletes talking smack about their own teammates.

9. The release of the returns comes as Obama has fought criticism that his comments about bitter voters in small towns smack of elitism.

smack 英英释义



1. the act of smacking something
    a blow delivered with an open hand

    Synonym: smackingslap

2. an enthusiastic kiss

    Synonym: smooch

3. street names for heroin

    Synonym: big Hhell dustnose dropsthunderskagscag

4. a sailing ship (usually rigged like a sloop or cutter) used in fishing and sailing along the coast

5. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

    Synonym: relishflavorflavoursapiditysavorsavourniptang

6. a blow from a flat object (as an open hand)

    Synonym: slap



1. press (the lips) together and open (the lips) noisily, as in eating

2. deliver a hard blow to

    e.g. The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved

    Synonym: thwack

3. kiss lightly

    Synonym: peck

4. have a distinctive or characteristic taste

    e.g. This tastes of nutmeg

    Synonym: taste

5. have an element suggestive (of something)

    e.g. his speeches smacked of racism
           this passage smells of plagiarism

    Synonym: reeksmell



1. directly

    e.g. he ran bang into the pole
           ran slap into her

    Synonym: bangslapslapdashbolt

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