
smarten up是什么意思 smarten up在线翻译 smarten up什么意思 smarten up的意思 smarten up的翻译 smarten up的解释 smarten up的发音 smarten up的同义词

smarten up [ˈsmɑ:tn ʌp]  [ˈsmɑrtn: ʌp] 

smarten up 基本解释

smarten up的反义词

打扮; 变得漂亮; 变得清醒; 使(人或地方)整洁起来

smarten up 相关例句


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. She has smartened up since I met her last.

smarten up 网络解释

1. 变得漂亮:smarted up 漂亮的 | smarten up 变得漂亮 | smarten 漂亮潇洒

2. smarten up

2. 变精明:harden up 变硬 | smarten up 变精明 | strengthen up 加强

3. 放聰明點:put her in the ground殺了她 | smarten up放聰明點 | no offense恕我冒犯

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 聪明点:Are you that stupid?你就这么蠢么? | Smarten up!聪明点. | Go to hell.去死吧

smarten up 双语例句

1. Conversely, Tsar Peter the Great introduced a beard tax in 1705 in an attempt to encourage Russian men to smarten up and move with the rest of Europe from fuzzy-framed chops towards a fleshier faced freedom.

2. Hard times: after another hard night sleeping on a park bench and drinking Special Brew, former team-mates Jacques Lafitte and Keke Rosberg thought they`d better smarten themselves up before attempting to get into the paddock.
    艰难时光:在又一个睡在公园长椅上,喝特酿的夜晚后,前队友 Jacques Lafitte 和 Keke Rosberg 觉得最好在试着进入 paddock 之前让他们自己变的漂亮潇洒一点。

3. Look, amigo, if you're gonna make it in here, you better smarten up.

4. One of the most blessed side-effects of recession is that we all smarten up.

5. That boy has begun to smarten up recently, ever since we complained about his work.

6. smarten up

6. You`ll have to smarten up if you want to pass those exams.

7. smarten up

7. He needed a wife to smarten him up and give him ambition.

8. smarten up

8. Get this book, smarten up and most importantly face the reality.

9. Remember that Saturn`s goal is to toughen you up, smarten you up, and prepare you for greatness.

10. smarten up是什么意思

10. Thirdly, why can`t he make an effort to just smarten up a little.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. People who tell you to " smarten up or you'll never get a job " drive me round the bend.

12. smarten up的解释

12. From inauguration day, when he wore a black Prada suit, to his preference for Tod's shoes and the best of London's men's wear, he's begun to smarten up France.

13. smarten up

13. A monochrome animal print dress with a clean shape and smooth lines looks striking and stylish, while a slinky leopard print top will smarten up a pair of jeans without being overpowering.

14. I'll just smarten up a bit, then we can go.

15. Don't you want to smarten yourself up a bit before you meet your girlfriend?

16. How to smarten up: Pay attention to everything healthy you have accomplished rather than what you haven't, or any shortcomings you think you have.

17. You'll have to smarten yourself up a bit before going out.

18. smarten up在线翻译

18. Men will smarten up, men will become more stylish but will do it in a modern way.

19. How to smarten up: go for water-rich veggies, such as zucchini and spinach, and highfiber fruit, such as apples and berries.

20. smarten up

20. Dressing up does not fill an empty noddle He needed a wife to smarten him up and give him ambition.

smarten up 词典解释

1. 修饰;打扮;装修
    If you smarten yourself or a place up, you make yourself or the place look neater and tidier.

    e.g. ...a 10-year programme to smarten up the London Underground...
           旨在让伦敦地铁旧貌换新颜的 10 年规划
    e.g. She had wisely smartened herself up.

smarten up 单语例句

1. That was the message from Beijing city administrators to taxi drivers to smarten up the cab industry with less than 500 days toward the Olympics.

2. Women would smarten themselves up in men's clothes and play polo on galloping horses.

smarten up

smarten up 英英释义


1. dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion

    e.g. He spruced up for the party

    Synonym: spruce upspruceslick up

2. make neat, smart, or trim

    e.g. Spruce up your house for Spring
           titivate the child

    Synonym: spruce upsprucetitivatetittivateslick upspiff up

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