
snow是什么意思 snow在线翻译 snow什么意思 snow的意思 snow的翻译 snow的解释 snow的发音 snow的同义词 snow的反义词 snow的例句 snow的相关词组

snow [snəʊ]  [snoʊ] 


snow 基本解释

名词积雪; 雪,雪花; 雪季

及物动词下雪; 使纷纷落下; 使变白; 被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡



snow 相关词组

1. snow under : 把...埋在雪里, 压倒;

snow 相关例句


1. snow在线翻译

1. It is snowing in great flakes.

2. It has snowed for three days running.

3. Presents snowed in on my birthday.


1. snow是什么意思

1. We often go hunting during the snows.

snow 网络解释

1. 下雪:(痛处,疮口) (store-t)商店(store)没他(t)会心疼(sore)下雪(snow)的时候不(n)能播种播种(sow)的时候要慢(slow)23.spot:n. 景点,地点 (sport-r)没有人(r)运动(sport)的地方成了景点(spot)操场是我们运动(sport)的地点(spot)

2. 雪地:取消了雪地(Snow)模式是意料中事,新添加的则有控制牵引力控制系统是否介入的CT-设置,但并非如CST模式般将稳定性控制系统都一并屏蔽,保证了电子稳定系统能提供一定的安全性.

3. 斯诺:2000年美国财长斯.诺(Snow)发表强美元政策言论,认为当前的美元汇价低得不合理. 事后证明,美元汇价由那时一直跌至现在,每隔一段时间就创纪录新低. 笔者有幸于当年在香港某经济报章发表了反对格老唱淡美股之言论,

snow 词典解释

    Snow consists of a lot of soft white bits of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather.

    e.g. In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads...
    e.g. They tramped through the falling snow.

2. 降雪;雪季
    You can refer to a great deal of snow in an area as the snows .

    e.g. ...the first snows of winter...
    e.g. As the snows melt, the flood waters rise.

3. 下雪
    When it snows, snow falls from the sky.

    e.g. It had been snowing all night.

4. 用花言巧语鼓动(或迷惑)
    If someone snows you, they persuade you to do something or convince you of something by flattering or deceiving you.


    e.g. I'd been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.

5. see also: snowed in;snowed under

snow 单语例句

1. They have been kept busy trying to salvage thousands of trees straining under the weight of the snow and removing broken branches.

2. If the seed looks more like a spoon then winter is going to have a lot of snow and involve a good deal of shoveling.

3. Treasury Secretary John Snow and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan convinced them China was about to act on currency reform.

4. Heavy snow and gale force winds have already caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

5. Heavy snow and gale force winds caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last week.

6. Because of the snow, temperatures in the region plunged by about 10 degrees.

7. The local temperature is expected to fall by eight to ten degrees centigrade after the snow.

8. Snow's comment caught White House colleagues by surprise, and they said they could not hazard a guess about when he might leave.

9. By Sunday morning, the airport had 16 inches of snow on the ground.

10. By now that gentle chill that required a light jacket at Beijing West Railway Station has developed into frost and snow.


snow 英英释义



1. street names for cocaine

    Synonym: cokeblownose candyC

2. precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals

    Synonym: snowfall

3. a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground


1. conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end

    e.g. He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well

    Synonym: bamboozlehoodwinkpull the wool over someone's eyeslead by the noseplay false

2. fall as snow

    e.g. It was snowing all night

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