
so many是什么意思 so many在线翻译 so many什么意思 so many的意思 so many的翻译 so many的解释 so many的发音 so many的同义词 so many的反义词

so many [səʊ ˈmeni]  [soʊ ˈmɛni] 

so many 基本解释

很多(的),和…一样多的,全都是; 偌多; 那么些; 这么些

so many的翻译

so many 情景对话

Summer camp-(夏令营)

A:You look so tan and healthy!

B:Thanks. I just got back from summer camp.

A:How was it?

B:Great. I got to try so many things for the first time.

so many

A:Like what?

B:I went sailing, fishing, and horseback riding.

A:I’m so jealous.

so many是什么意思

B:The counselors were so nice too. It was the best summer ever. Except for all those mosquitoes!

In the museum-(在展览馆)

A:Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!

B:What are you so excited about?

A:I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!

B:What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.


A:I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.

B:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.

A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!

B:No, how much is it worth?


A:About 80 million dollars.


Health Club-(健身俱乐部)

so many的反义词

A:Hey, Susie, what health club do you belong to?

B:Total Fitness, why?


A:Well, I’ve been going to Athletic Express, but I don’t like it there.
      哦,我一直都是去Athletic Express,可是我不喜欢那儿。

B:Really? Why not? I hear it’s pretty good.

A:The people don’t really work out there. They just stand around and talk all the time.

so many的意思

B:Oh, it’s one of those places.

A:Yeah, is your club different?

B:Well, they have different rooms. I lift weights by the pool where there aren’t so many people.

A:Do they have a lot of equipment?

B:Yeah, they have all the machines, a pool, and a steam room and sauna.

so many的反义词

A:Sounds nice. What about classes?

B:The usual. Aerobics, kickboxing, yoga. They just started a Tai Chi class too.

A:Wow, that sounds great.

B:Well, I have a guest pass. Why don’t you come with me tonight?

A:Really? Thanks. I’ll stop by when I get off work.

B:Perfect. See you later.


A:O.K., see you.

so many 网络解释

1. 这么多:the presents under the Christmas tree 在圣诞树下的礼物 | so many 这么多 | from grandmother 来自祖母

2. 很多;如此多的:31. wear a helmet戴着头盔(防护帽) | *32. so many 很多;如此多的 | *33. hang out with sb. 和某人一起闲逛

3. 很多的;如此/那么多的:39. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事 | *40. so many 很多的;如此/那么多的 | *41. at the TV studio 在这间电视录音室;在这家电视电影制片厂

4. 真多呀:07 Really?真的吗? | 08 So many 真多呀 | 09 Run 快跑

so many 单语例句

1. So were many fireworks companies, which see the Bird's Nest as a huge business opportunity.

2. Li admitted he's made so many gaffes since he started conducting tour groups in February that he's become the butt of jokes among fellow guides.

3. But a lot of Chinese people buy into such tricks, which may partly explain why so many Chinese brands have adopted foreign names.

4. He said so many people are buying diamonds that they have already sold out of some categories.

5. Our drama teacher made me act it out so many times that I can still perform that because I remember it by heart.

6. This calamity shows that many people are so careless about protecting their own safety and of people around them.

7. With so many big issues dominating this year's legislative season, a call for improved taxation for China's capital markets may understandably draw little attention.

8. Many disapprove of such inhuman treatments, going so far as to call out the actions in an online forum.

9. So many villas line this scenic spot which is called a World Architecture Museum.

10. Wu narrated the case calmly since he had cracked such drug trafficking groups so many times.

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