
software是什么意思 software在线翻译 software什么意思 software的意思 software的翻译 software的解释 software的发音 software的同义词

software [ˈsɒftweə(r)]  [ˈsɔ:ftwer] 

software 基本解释

名词软件; 软体; 软设备

software 相关例句


1. My job is writing the software.

software 情景对话


B:Give me a summary of your current job description.

A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.

B:Why did you leave your last job?


A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it./I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement.
      我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓 住。/我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。



A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.

B:I think my computer must have a virus.

A:Why do you say that?

B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won't work properly.

A:Why didn't you ask the propeller-heads to put the new program on the PC for you?

B:Because it's not really related to work. They will get mad at me.

A:So where did you get the software?

B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.

A:It is probably pirated software.

B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?

A:Listen carefully.

software 网络解释

1. software

1. 计算机软件:计算机软件(Software)是指与计算机系统操作有关的程序、规程、规则及任何与之有关的数据和文档资料. 它由两部分组成:一是使计算机硬件能完成计算和控制功能的有关计算机机指令和计算机设计定义的组合,或机器可执行的程序及有关数据;

2. 软体:ERP 系统和先进规画与排程(APS)之间的资料流动关系是(D) 辅导. (A) 301. 在ERP 系统(销售与配销模组)之交货排程(Delivery Schedule)中,系统扣帐期限与顾客要求(A) 使用者(Users)(B) 软体(Software)(C) 资料(Data)(A) 305. 在销售与配销模组中,

3. 软件 軟件:但就为住Delphi地各个版本中数据库软件程序软件控件均未提供Pack地功能,此使得用Delphi编写地数据库软件软件(Software)假如使用本地数据库软件地形式,数据库软件地大小增长很快,即使删除呢大量记录,数据库软件地大小无任何改变.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. software:s/w; 软件

5. software:sw; 软件

software 词典解释

1. (计算机)软件
    Computer programs are referred to as software .

    e.g. ...the people who write the software for big computer projects.

software 单语例句

1. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

2. A senior business intelligence manager with Microsoft Corp locates authenticity markers on a box of genuine Microsoft software.

3. Paying the costs for legally purchased software is necessary for business operations to be legitimate.

4. Authorities moved against Tomato Garden after receiving complaints from the Business Software Alliance, it said.

5. Now, clients for his business software are several wineries in the region.

6. She cited a 2003 estimate by The Business Software Alliance which claimed that the piracy rate in China was as high as 92 percent.

7. Analysts had widely expected thousands of Sun employees to lose their jobs, but not until No 2 business software maker Oracle closes the deal.

8. That article quoted data from the Business Software Alliance, which stated that software piracy rates in China exceeded 90 per cent.

9. The retail expansion is part of Microsoft's strategy to move its business beyond software into hardware and other areas.

10. Williams said that 80 percent of Indian banks run their business on Oracle software and 90 percent of Indian telecommunications companies use Oracle software.

software 英英释义


1. (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory

    e.g. the market for software is expected to expand

    Synonym: software programcomputer softwaresoftware systemsoftware packagepackage

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