
solar system是什么意思 solar system在线翻译 solar system什么意思 solar system的意思 solar system的翻译 solar system的解释 solar system的发音

solar system [ˈsəulə ˈsistəm]  [ˈsolɚ ˈsɪstəm] 

第三人称复数:solar systems

solar system 基本解释


solar system 相关例句


1. solar system的意思

1. The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago.

solar system 网络解释

1. solar system的翻译

1. 太阳系:太阳系(solar system)在宇宙中的位置 太阳系位于银河系边缘,银河系第三旋臂猎户旋臂上. 太阳系是由太阳以及在其引力作用下围绕它运转的天体构成的天体系统. 它包括太阳、八大行星及其卫星、小行星、彗星、流星体以及行星际物质. 人类所居住的地球就是太阳系中的一员...

2. 太阳能系统:顶尖太阳能公司如Conergy、Solarworld和Solar-Fabrik已在新加坡设立亚洲总部,Conergy是欧洲最大的太阳能系统(solar system)供应商. 澳洲天然燃油公司(Natural Fuel)也投资两亿新元,在裕廊岛兴建世界最大的生物柴油(biodiesel)制造厂.

3. [天]太阳系:sodium n.[化]钠 | solar system [天]太阳系 | solidification n. 凝固

4. 太阳系(太阳的):59:This error is largely due to my oversight.这个错误主要是由于我一时疏忽而造成的. | 60:solar system 太阳系(太阳的) | 61:solar cell 太阳能电池(利用太阳光的)

solar system 词典解释

1. 太阳系
    The solar system is the sun and all the planets that go round it.

    e.g. Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.

solar system 单语例句

1. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity.

2. They knew about a number of near misses and calculated that many other rocky threats whirling about the solar system had gone undetected.

3. Curiosity is the capstone of what NASA calls the year of the solar system.

4. Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center has a solar energy heating system that can supply hot water for showers and for the 300 sq m swimming pool.

5. The goal of the Dawn mission is to collect enough information about Vesta and Ceres to understand conditions and processes of the early solar system.

6. It has also acquired EI Solutions, a California commercial solar system integration company.

7. He said thinking of space in those terms amounts to revolution comparable to Copernicus's proof of a solar system that orbited the sun.

8. The solar power station has adopted multiple advanced technologies including photoelectron, automatic control and an electricity reserve system.

9. It suggests that the probes may fly out of the solar system and enter cosmic space by 2050.

10. Scientists regard solar research as the key to unraveling the evolution of the solar system and even the whole cosmos.

solar system 英英释义


1. the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field

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