
sole是什么意思 sole在线翻译 sole什么意思 sole的意思 sole的翻译 sole的解释 sole的发音 sole的同义词 sole的反义词 sole的例句 sole的相关词组

sole [səʊl]  [soʊl] 


sole 基本解释

形容词惟一的; 单独的; 专有的,独占的

名词鞋底; 脚底; 有…底的 -soled; 鳎(可食用比目鱼)


sole 相关例句


1. You have to follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to his strict schedule.

2. Jim had acquired sole control of the newspaper in 1914.

3. He was the sole heir of the large estate.


1. sole的解释

1. Get your shoes heeled and soled here.


1. The restaurant is reported to provide excellent sole.

2. There was a hole in the sole of his shoe.

sole 网络解释

1. 鞋底:Espadrille, 鞋底(sole)是橡胶或者绳子制成的,注意看图片里两双鞋子的鞋底,都有那种绳子一圈一圈绕出来的效果. 这种鞋子最早在法国乡村很流行,后来经过改良,变成了现在的时尚款式.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 唯一的:那是它唯一的(sole)目的――也是它灵魂的(soul)目的. 它并不在意身体的成就或心智的发展. 这些对灵魂而言都是无意义的. 挫败和焦虑来自不聆听自己的灵魂. 聆听自己的灵魂,你能做的第一件事是:弄清楚你的灵魂在追求什么――并且不再去加以批判.

3. 脚掌:踢踏舞舞步的基本技巧是用脚跟(heel)、脚掌(sole)、半脚掌、脚尖(toe)击打地面打出复杂的节奏,使脚部得到最充分的锻炼. 前脚掌击打出来的声音响亮,频率快;用后脚跟击打的声音低沉;而脚侧和脚尖则多用于中音和短促的音节.

4. sole的反义词

4. 杆头底部:同时,因为有这个角度...杆头底部(Sole)比较窄...击球时,接触地面或草皮的面积较小,控球比较容易. 同时,因为有这个角度...杆头底部(Sole)比较窄...击球时,接触地面或草皮的面积较小,控球比较容易.

sole 词典解释

1. 唯一的;仅有的
    The sole thing or person of a particular type is the only one of that type.

    e.g. Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government.

2. (控制权或所有权)唯一的,独占的
    If you have sole charge or ownership of something, you are the only person in charge of it or who owns it.

    e.g. Many women are left as the sole providers in families after their husband has died...
    e.g. Chief Hart had sole control over that fund.

3. 脚掌;鞋底;袜底
    The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of it.

    e.g. ...shoes with rubber soles...
    e.g. He had burned the sole of his foot.

4. 鲽鱼;板鱼
    A sole is a kind of flat fish that you can eat.

sole 单语例句

1. Some suggest that a special government agency needs to be established to act as the sole owner of the banks.

2. By whatever means, their sole purpose is to cover the truth and eliminate any potentially unfavourable reporting.

3. The firm is the sole Chinese producer of catechol in 2000 and the first nine months of 2001.

4. The entire process from cotton being made into cloth, and finally into a shoe sole realized a circle of efficient resource use.

5. Thus, the Table is not the sole standard for the classification of goods.

6. Money made Li become the sole coal supplier to the Blue Sky Heating Company, and also a major supplier to the Beichen Heating Power Plant.

7. Her sole companion is a colour television set, which is turned on as soon as she gets up in the morning.

8. Both actions have challenged the authority of the General Administration of Press and Publication, the sole government institution in the country to issue a press card.

9. Others see commercialism as the sole force behind the sudden uptake of this newer celebration in Chinese eyes.

10. Compounding the problem is the fact the town's sole mortuary has been destroyed.

sole 英英释义



1. right-eyed flatfish
    many are valued as food
    most common in warm seas especially European

2. the underside of footwear or a golf club

3. the underside of the foot

4. lean flesh of any of several flatfish

    Synonym: fillet of sole



1. put a new sole on

    e.g. sole the shoes

    Synonym: resole

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