
solicit是什么意思 solicit在线翻译 solicit什么意思 solicit的意思 solicit的翻译 solicit的解释 solicit的发音 solicit的同义词 solicit的反义词

solicit [səˈlɪsɪt]  [səˈlɪsɪt] 


solicit 基本解释

及物/不及物动词征求; 恳求; 提起; (指娼妇)拉客

solicit 相关例句


1. They are busy soliciting votes.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. He solicited aid from his close friends.


1. They solicited for contributions to a charity.

solicit 网络解释

1. solicit在线翻译

1. 请求:本阶段的交互机制和这两种选项的使用具体描述如下: 客户端主机接入网络后,如果需要一个或者多个IPv6地址,首先会发送一个请求(solicit)报文给所有的DHCPv6服务器和中继代理,寻求可用的DHCPv6服务器.

2. 请求;恳求;祈求:16.sample 样品;样本 | 17.solicit 请求;恳求;祈求 | 18.trendy 时髦的;流行的

3. 恳求:soli 独奏曲 | solicit 恳求 | solicitation 教唆

4. 律师:solemnity 严肃 | solicit 律师 | solid 固体的

solicit 词典解释

1. 请求给予(金钱、帮助、支持等);征求(意见)
    If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask them for it.

    e.g. He's already solicited their support on health care reform...
    e.g. No tuition was charged by the school, which solicited contributions from the society's members.

2. (妓女)拉客
    When prostitutes solicit, they offer to have sex with people in return for money.

    e.g. Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.

Girls could get very heavy sentences for soliciting — nine months or more.
女子拉客可能会被处以重刑—— 9 个月或 9 个月以上监禁。

solicit 单语例句

1. The proceeding to solicit public opinions will end by the end of this month.

2. The proposal came in response to a call by the national tourism authority to solicit a date for the country's national tourism day.

3. The Chinese Red Cross has opened a special account and telephone hotlines for donations, and mobilized its subsidiaries nationwide to solicit contributions.

4. These moves included publishing draft regulations on websites to solicit public opinion, and inviting citizen representatives to attend regular conferences as observers.

5. The China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Mar 31 released administrative rules on foreign insurance institutions'representative offices in China to solicit public opinion.

6. He said the police may continue to use micro blogs to solicit clues, but it will not become a common method for police to investigate crimes.

7. The external support it is now trying to solicit to back its illicit claim will only complicate the situation.

8. We must solicit opinions from all sectors of society when drafting important laws and administrative regulations that affect the vital interests of the people.

9. He also promised to further solicit complaints and advice from congress deputies and members of the local people's political consultative conference.

10. The Legal Affairs Office of the State Council published draft regulations for the implementation of the Labor Contract Law on Thursday to solicit public opinion.


solicit 英英释义


1. make a solicitation or petition for something desired

    e.g. She is too shy to solicit

2. incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination

    e.g. He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents

3. approach with an offer of sexual favors

    e.g. he was solicited by a prostitute
           The young man was caught soliciting in the park

    Synonym: hookaccost

4. make a solicitation or entreaty for something
    request urgently or persistently

    e.g. Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce
           My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities

    Synonym: begtap

5. make amorous advances towards

    e.g. John is courting Mary

    Synonym: woocourtromance

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