
solution是什么意思 solution在线翻译 solution什么意思 solution的意思 solution的翻译 solution的解释 solution的发音 solution的同义词

solution [səˈlu:ʃn]  [səˈluʃən] 


solution 基本解释


名词溶液; 解决; 溶解; 答案

solution 同义词

solution 反义词


solution 相关词组

1. in solution : 在溶解状态中, 在不断变化中, 动摇不定;

solution 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water.

2. solution的意思

2. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem.

3. solution的意思

3. What is the solution to your trouble?

4. The solution of the problem requires a lot of time.

5. solution是什么意思

5. Salt can be held in solution in water.

solution 网络解释

1. 解决方法:这些艺术家的作品以及那些拥护他们的评论家们(道格拉斯.克里姆帕(Douglas Crimp)和其他与<<十月>>杂志有关的人),使得摄影影像的运用具有严格的辩证性:你要么是景观(spectacle)的一部分,要么是解决方法(solution)的组成部分.

2. 溶解:以煉金術中的凝結(coagulation)和溶解(solution)兩個術語為例,凝結和溶解實際上就是對宇宙韻律的回應:如旋繞─開展(involution-evolution)、吸入─呼出(inhalation-exhalation)等對立現象的統合,如心物合一、生死齊一等兩種相對韻律的統一,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. solution:solu; 显示当前得到的解

solution 词典解释

1. (问题、困难等的)解决办法
    A solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed.

    e.g. Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.
    e.g. ...the ability to sort out simple, effective solutions to practical problems.

2. 谜底;答案
    The solution to a puzzle is the answer to it.

    e.g. ...the solution to crossword No. 19721.
           第 19721 号纵横字谜的答案

3. 溶液
    A solution is a liquid in which a solid substance has been dissolved.

    e.g. ...a warm solution of liquid detergent...
    e.g. Vitamins in solution are more affected than those in solid foods.

solution 单语例句

1. The plan also provides business opportunities for energy efficiency solution providers, including Air Products.

2. Make certain that executives understand the business opportunity as thoroughly as they understand the solution, and have the courage to pursue the opportunity when appropriate.

3. Director Gao said the solution to the difficulty of buying train tickets is to speed up the development of China's railways.

4. Another solution is to fly the goods to the Middle East first and then ship them to Europe by sea.

5. Many local farmers have turned a blind eye to the dealers'practice of treating the cabbage with a formaldehyde solution.

6. He said the cable car should remain out of service until thoroughly repaired and checked, adding that he hoped the company found a solution to improve operations.

7. If officials opt for a simple solution, they may think that building a few new villages would be a good idea.

8. She also suggested a multilateral solution to the question and called for " a collaborative diplomatic process by all claimants for resolving the various territorial disputes ".

9. ElBaradei has called for a negotiated solution to Iran's nuclear issue, proposing that Iran be allowed to retain a limited enrichment program.

10. Calling Iran part of the problem and not part of the solution was " thoughtless, " he said.


solution 英英释义


1. the successful action of solving a problem

    e.g. the solution took three hours

2. a method for solving a problem

    e.g. the easy solution is to look it up in the handbook

3. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

    e.g. they were trying to find a peaceful solution
           the answers were in the back of the book
           he computed the result to four decimal places

    Synonym: answerresultresolutionsolvent

4. the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation

    Synonym: root

5. a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
    frequently (but not necessarily) a liquid solution

    e.g. he used a solution of peroxide and water

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