
solve是什么意思 solve在线翻译 solve什么意思 solve的意思 solve的翻译 solve的解释 solve的发音 solve的同义词 solve的反义词 solve的例句

solve [sɒlv]  [sɑ:lv] 


solve 基本解释


及物动词解决; 解答; 解释; 清偿(债务)

solve 相关例句


1. With the help of his friends, he finally solved the problem.

2. solve的反义词

2. She tried to solve a crossword puzzle.

solve 网络解释

1. 解:简单来说,一个排程决定工件(Job)何让使用者能简单地、轻易地描述(state)限制满足问computer algorithm)有系统地、有效率地求解(solve)产(Job Shop)类似,但其每一工件在同一时间点,资料问题.

2. 求解:本人正在建一个上覆地层(分三层)为软岩的浅埋暗挖隧道模型,按照FLAC3D求解问题的思路,应该在初始化完地应力且开挖之前对模型求解(solve)直至平衡,然后将三个方向的位移归零后再进行开挖和相应支护.

3. solve什么意思

3. 求代数方程的符号解:slice 立体切片图 | solve 求代数方程的符号解 | spalloc 为非零元素配置内存

solve 词典解释

1. 解决(问题);解(题)
    If you solve a problem or a question, you find a solution or an answer to it.

    e.g. Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment...
    e.g. We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe, and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins.

solve 单语例句

1. The university studies and develops new products by combining theory and practice to meet social needs and solve technical business problems.

2. Obama describes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as part of a plan to solve the country's economic ills.

3. Some economists say the stimulus measures may buy time but will not be enough to solve the woes that have roiled global financial markets.

4. Lawmaker Cyd Ho of Civic Act Up said postponement would not solve the problem that now confronted the assembly.

5. The USB microwave can solve your problem by heating small dishes right at your desk.

6. She says knowing how to solve problems is more important than learning by rote, a process of establishing something in memory by repeating it.

7. Shi said Jingdong will solve this problem by acting as an industry agent and sharing profits with publishing houses.

8. The cabinet demanded more reforms and a better legal system to solve the problem, vowing stricter regulation on farmland expropriation.

9. The watchdog was also credited with helping local authorities solve several severe pollution incidents including the cadmium spill along the Beijiang River in December 2005.

10. The finding prompted the NPC Standing Committee to call on governments at all levels and concerned departments to adopt effective measures to solve the problem.

solve 英英释义


1. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

    e.g. did you solve the problem?
           Work out your problems with the boss
           this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out
           did you get it?
           Did you get my meaning?
           He could not work the math problem

    Synonym: work outfigure outpuzzle outlickwork

2. find the solution

    e.g. solve an equation
           solve for x

    Synonym: resolve

3. settle, as of a debt

    e.g. clear a debt
           solve an old debt

    Synonym: clear

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