
someone是什么意思 someone在线翻译 someone什么意思 someone的意思 someone的翻译 someone的解释 someone的发音 someone的同义词 someone的反义词

someone [ˈsʌmwʌn]  [ˈsʌmˌwʌn, -wən] 

someone 基本解释



someone 相关例句


1. Someone wants to talk with you.

2. Are you expecting someone this afternoon?

3. Someone left this for you.


1. Was that someone else aware of the accident?

2. If you had studied harder, you might have become someone.

someone 情景对话


A:May I speak to Miss Tan, please?

B:Sorry, but she is with someone right now.

A:I see. May I leave her a message then?


A:Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438.

B:Yes. I will.



A:Look, Jim. That man just fell down over there.

B:We better see if he’s o.k.

A:Sir…sir? Are you all right? Sir?

B:He’s not answering. You’d better check his pulse and breathing.


A:Oh, no. He’s not breathing, and there’s no pulse. Call 911.

B:Hello? Yes. Someone has passed out at Connecticut Ave. and 1st St. He isn’t breathing and does not have a pulse. Yes. My friend is perfomp3ing CPR. OK. Thank you. They’re sending an ambulance. Here, let me help.

Invitation to Lunch-(请吃午饭)

A:Frances, do you know if the cafeteria around the corner's open today?

B:Yes. They were open this morning when I came to work.They must've finished remodeling. Why do you want to know?

A:Well, I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today.That is. If you haven't promised to go with someone else.

B:That'd be wonderful, Joe.

A:But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning.

B:I'm sorry I was such a grouch.

A:It must've been the weather.When it rains I get depressed.


B:Forget it. I'll see you at twelvethirty.

someone 网络解释

1. 某人,有人:某人,有人 somebody | 某人,有人 someone | 某事(物) something

someone 词典解释

1. 某人;有人
    You use someone or somebody to refer to a person without saying exactly who you mean.

    e.g. Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store...
    e.g. I need someone to help me...

2. (某行业或某地方的)重要人物,大人物
    If you say that a person is someone or somebody in a particular kind of work or in a particular place, you mean that they are considered to be important in that kind of work or in that place.


    e.g. He was somebody in the law division...
    e.g. 'Before she came around,' she says, 'I was somebody in this town'.

You use not anyone instead of someone in negative sentences. There isn't anyone here.
否定句中用 not anyone而不用someone,例如 There isn't anyone here (这里没有人)。

someone 单语例句


1. After a further business failure, one of them hired someone to kill his partner.

2. If someone does a hatchet job on a solo pianist, his or her personal reputation and business interests are both damaged.

3. Bush said it was " a shameful act " for someone to have leaked details to the media.

4. Some drivers recommend waiting outside busy shopping malls so you can hope into a cab as someone else is getting out.

5. According to New York state law, a criminal sexual act includes forcibly compelling someone to engage in oral sex.

6. If someone was born in a year of the Ox and is surnamed Niu, he should probably not become a butcher.

7. The very sight of someone trying to commit a crime - attempt to rob, rape or pilfer - or an act of bullying swings them into action.

8. But that sentence will be doubled if his Quranic recitation classes fail to make him a hafez someone who knows the Quran by heart.

9. Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

10. Three drunken coworkers were arrested for robbing a cab driver of his cell phone and cash to prove to someone that they were mighty.


someone 英英释义


1. a human being

    e.g. there was too much for one person to do

    Synonym: personindividualsomebodymortalsoul

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