
something是什么意思 something在线翻译 something什么意思 something的意思 something的翻译 something的解释 something的发音 something的同义词

something [ˈsʌmθɪŋ]  [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 

something 基本解释

代词某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物


副词非常; 有点; 大约

something 相关词组

1. think something of oneself : 自以为了不起;

2. or something : 或是什么的;

3. make something of : 利用;

4. something of : 在某种意义上, 在某种程度上;

5. something like : 大约;

something 相关例句


1. It sounds something awful.


1. something的翻译

1. The parcel was ten pounds something.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Profits have fallen by something over three percent.

3. I want sth. to eat.


1. something的解释

1. There is something in what he says.

something 情景对话


A:Happy birthday, Alice, here is a little something for you.


B:Thank you very much, David. It’s an excellent birthday gift.


A:Do you want to buy something here?


B:These shoes are great!What is the price of this?


A:This one is eight hundred dollars.


B:That’s too much!


A:Would you mind doing something for me?

B:I would if I could.


A:Will you please explain the meaning of this word?


B:Yes, with pleasure.

something 网络解释

1. 某物,某事:倘使以一个没有真实的存在,作为原因,则乃等于说,虚幻空无(nothing)可以产生某物某事(something),此乃自相矛盾,宁有是理. (2)一个原因不仅须实有其事,且必有能力与果效. 其本质必有产生果效的道理,可用来加以说明. (3)而且此项果效必定是合理的,

something 词典解释

1. 某物,某事(指事物、情况、事件、想法等)
    You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is.

    e.g. He realized right away that there was something wrong...
    e.g. There was something vaguely familiar about him...

2. (描述、数量等)大概,大致,大约,左右
    You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact.

    e.g. He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport...
    e.g. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt...

3. (人、物等)真棒,很了不起
    If you say that a person or thing is something or is really something, you mean that you are very impressed by them.

    e.g. You're really something...
    e.g. The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany...

4. 聊以自慰的事;还算幸运的事
    You can use something in expressions like 'that's something' when you think that a situation is not very good but is better that it might have been.

    e.g. Well, at least he was in town. That was something...
    e.g. Well, you're staying. That's something I suppose.

5. 有点儿;有几分
    If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art.

    e.g. The city proved to be something of a disappointment...
    e.g. She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York...

6. (想法或建议)有道理,值得考虑
    If you say that there is something in an idea or suggestion, you mean that it is quite good and should be considered seriously.

    e.g. Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it...
    e.g. There had been something in Des's first statement...

7. (表示对说的话不能肯定)或别的什么,或诸如此类
    You use something in expressions such as 'or something' and 'or something like that' to indicate that you are referring to something similar to what you have just mentioned but you are not being exact.

    e.g. This guy, his name was Briarly or Beardly or something...
    e.g. The air fare was about a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something like that.
           机票 199 英镑左右,大概是这个价钱。

8. something like -> see like

You use not anything instead of something in negative sentences. There isn't anything here.
否定句中用 not anything 而不用something,例如 There isn't anything here (这里没有任何东西)。

something 单语例句

1. Business is something I need to be a lot more serious about.

2. This cluster of a baker's dozen plus nightspots is heavily gimmicky, but there's something fun for everyone among the particularly thematic watering holes found here.

3. But it has blossomed into something of a smashing political success for the already highly successful businesswoman.

4. He said his company had even offered 10 to 20 percent discounts, something it does not normally do during the busy season from June to September.

5. Something the Italian said obviously hit a raw nerve as Zidane stopped, walked back towards him and landed a fierce butt on his chest.

6. It's not going out for fancy dinners, it's just simple things like a slap on the butt or something like that.

7. There is something about the combination of good butter and the scent of roses that will turn teatime into an occasion.

8. Repealing the ban would take an act of Congress, something that does not appear close to happening.

9. This is something that takes a good deal of planning and preparation.

10. By contrast, the same rates in Western developed countries are something between 8 percent and 10 percent.

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