
soot是什么意思 soot在线翻译 soot什么意思 soot的意思 soot的翻译 soot的解释 soot的发音 soot的同义词 soot的反义词 soot的例句 soot的相关词组

soot [sʊt]  [sʊt, sut] 


soot 基本解释

名词油烟; 煤烟,烟灰

动词煤烟弄脏; 弄得尽是煤烟

soot 相关例句


1. The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot.

soot 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 烟灰:锅炉大小,炉床型式,燃烧室设计及燃烧效率等亦是影响排放之因素,不过燃料中之灰分含量为最明显之影响因素.在燃烧过程中产生的微粒大致可分为灰(ash)及烟灰(soot)二类,前者的产生主要来自燃料中所含之不可燃物质及无机成份;

2. 碳烟:其中,蒸发和燃烧分别采用Wall Film模型、Coherent Flame模型,氮氧化物(Nox)采用Zeldovich不平均原理建模,碳烟(Soot)模型为FIRE模型. 计算结果及分析表明,一层进气孔布置对燃油蒸汽浓度分布影响很大. 加大进气孔直径使进气中心涡流增强,

3. 烟炱:术(MEET System)已经进入了大型示范实验研究新技术,能源环境署(ENEA)资助的先进计算和最近,日本石川岛播磨公司(IHI)提出了高氮氧化物(NOx)排放的目的.过程中烟炱(soot)的形成.蒸汽在空气中摩尔分

soot 词典解释

1. 煤烟灰;烟垢
    Soot is black powder which rises in the smoke from a fire and collects on the inside of chimneys.


    e.g. ... a wall blackened by soot.

soot 单语例句

1. A cloth sack dust removal technology is used for a second filtration of sulfur dioxide and soot.

2. These jars trapped the soot which was then removed with feather brushes.

3. Several levels of the multilevel supermarket were covered in soot, including a lower level parking garage where cars were crushed and burned.

4. Hundreds eventually poured out of the building gasping for air and covered in soot.

5. Ink is made from a mixture of soot and resin, molded into stick form.

6. The soot was then mixed with glue, which was made from horn or animal hide.

7. Soon after, the pair of pipes that jut from virtually every building start burping soot.

8. The most commonly used to make ink are pine soot, oil soot and lacquer soot.

9. The city government also strengthened control of soot emissions in urban areas.

10. Fine soot particles can penetrate the upper defenses of the respiratory tract and settle deep in the lungs.

soot 英英释义


1. a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink

    Synonym: carbon blacklampblacksmutcrock



1. coat with soot

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