
soothe是什么意思 soothe在线翻译 soothe什么意思 soothe的意思 soothe的翻译 soothe的解释 soothe的发音 soothe的同义词 soothe的反义词 soothe的例句

soothe [su:ð]  [suð] 


soothe 基本解释

及物动词安慰; 缓和; 使平静; 减轻痛苦

soothe 同义词

soothe 反义词



soothe 相关例句


1. We did not know how to soothe the bereaved mother.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. A hot cloth pressed against your jaw will usually soothe a toothache.

3. soothe是什么意思

3. She soothed the child who was afraid.

soothe 网络解释

1. (安慰):一月二十五日 圣诞玫瑰 犹豫一月二十六日 款冬 公正 一月二十七日 地苔 母性 一月二十八日 雏菊 纯情一月二十九日 西洋薇 威严 一月叁十日 铁角凤尾草 热情 一月叁十一日 山谷鸣(Hart's Tongue) 安慰(Soothe) 二月一日 月桂树

2. soothe在线翻译

2. 抚慰:他婉言拒绝了BRAD的钱,目送救援直升机的离去. 原来许多屏障在那顷刻间变得如此不堪一击. 还有那个老太太,在CATE忍受着极度痛苦是用安静的烟抚慰(soothe)她,老太太的脸上同样是安静的笑,如CATE突出的轻烟般安静.

3. 安慰,缓和,安慰:diagnosis 诊断 | soothe 安慰,缓和,安慰 | recover 复原,痊愈

4. 缓和:sooth 真实 | soothe 缓和 | soother 抚慰者

soothe 词典解释

1. 安抚;抚慰;使平静
    If you soothe someone who is angry or upset, you make them feel calmer.

    e.g. He would take her in his arms and soothe her...
    e.g. It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors' fears.

Put on some nice soothing music...
His casual, relaxed manner was very soothing.
'Now don't you worry,' she said soothingly.

2. 减轻,缓和(身体的痛处或不适)
    Something that soothes a part of your body where there is pain or discomfort makes the pain or discomfort less severe.

    e.g. ...body lotion to soothe dry skin.

Cold tea is very soothing for burns.

soothe 单语例句

1. Get a good soak during the holidays and let the steaming hot water soothe away all the stress of the daily grind in the cities.

2. Darling sought to soothe nerves again yesterday as Northern Rock's shares tumbled by a third for the second session in a row.

3. Darling is expected to soothe the market by announcing plans for deferred tax rises and public spending curbs.

4. There is a pressing need to comfort and soothe men who have lost their dear ones and may have been traumatized.

5. China's major agricultural prices and industrial output continued to rise rapidly last month, showing little signs of a price downturn to soothe persistent inflationary worries.

6. Looking out at the majestic skyline with drink in hand is sure to soothe any feathers ruffled over the course of the day.

7. But if the two have an itch to soothe, they're not yet scratching each other's backs.

8. Another contest judge said Boyle had contemplated pulling out of the program to soothe her frazzled nerves.

9. Take a gin and tonic out on the lawn or lounge about the comfortable interior, which aims to soothe your spirit.

10. In ancient times, incense made from agarwood was used to soothe the mind and cure some diseases.

soothe 英英释义


1. cause to feel better

    e.g. the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation

2. give moral or emotional strength to

    Synonym: comfortconsolesolace

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