
sorrow是什么意思 sorrow在线翻译 sorrow什么意思 sorrow的意思 sorrow的翻译 sorrow的解释 sorrow的发音 sorrow的同义词 sorrow的反义词 sorrow的例句

sorrow [ˈsɒrəʊ]  [ˈsɑ:roʊ] 


sorrow 基本解释

名词悲痛; 悔恨,惋惜; 伤心事

及物/不及物动词悲痛; 遗憾

sorrow 同义词

sorrow 反义词


sorrow 相关例句


1. sorrow

1. She sorrowed over her beloved child's death.


1. She felt sorrow at the death of her aunt.

2. He told me with sorrow that his mother was very ill.

3. He was full of sorrow.

4. sorrow

4. The many sorrows turned her hair white.

sorrow 网络解释

1. 悲伤:她被弄得沮丧又被迫:「为什么我们的对话非要这么冲不可呢?」这一刻,麦肯尼小姐显然还不打算向达登先生的穷追猛打投降,所以她敢正面迎敌. 但当他一付不退让状时,她开始生气了,结果她就变得尖锐,证词也对起诉起了不良的影响. 难过(Grief)/悲伤(Sorrow)

2. 悲哀:Feb 11生日花:红樱草(Red Primrose)花 语:悲 哀(Sorrow) 在莎士比亚的冬的故事中,红樱草是象徵未出嫁就死亡的处女. 因为它在还留有冬天气息的早春开花,而且不会结果实. 所以它的花语就是-悲哀. 不过,这已是古老的故事了,

3. sorrow是什么意思

3. 悲痛:我永远深爱着你,又是2008年的一场灾难,无数的人在这场灾难中失去生命,无数的人在这场灾难中流离失所,电视里一个又一个灾难的画面让人触目惊心,我们深深的为灾区的人民感到悲痛(sorrow).

sorrow 词典解释

1. 悲哀;伤心;悔恨;惋惜
    Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret.


    e.g. It was a time of great sorrow...
    e.g. Words cannot express my sorrow.

sorrow 单语例句

1. The Ghanaian government has expressed deep sorrow over the death of the Chinese national, and promised to handle the case in accordance with law.

2. The individual school ceremonies continued the theme of striking a balance between celebration and sorrow that began with a university commencement event Friday night.

3. I also write to express my sorrow for the quake victims, and commend the Chinese people for standing up tall in responding to the tragedy.

4. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said that China was concerned by the fighting, expressing sorrow for the dead and injured of the conflict.

5. One needs someone to confide in and share one's happiness and sorrow with even after getting married.

6. Joy turned to sorrow when a British man drowned at his daughter's wedding in Hong Kong earlier this week.

7. The terminal at Sao Paulo's Congonhas airport echoed with the shock and sorrow of survivors and relatives of the dead.

8. Director Paul Stebbings said such simplistic style helps reveal the sorrow and ecstasy of the characters in the story to the utmost.

9. It expressed sorrow to the victim and his family and apologized to the injured people, and it will guarantee effective medical treatment to the injured.

10. I was in deep sorrow when I saw her reading a book of fairy tales despite supports holding up her body frame.

sorrow 英英释义


1. something that causes great unhappiness

    e.g. her death was a great grief to John

    Synonym: grief

2. an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement

    e.g. he tried to express his sorrow at her loss

3. sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment

    e.g. he drank to drown his sorrows
           he wrote a note expressing his regret
           to his rue, the error cost him the game

    Synonym: regretrueruefulness

4. the state of being sad

    e.g. she tired of his perpetual sadness

    Synonym: sadnesssorrowfulness


1. feel grief

    Synonym: grieve

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