
sound off是什么意思 sound off在线翻译 sound off什么意思 sound off的意思 sound off的翻译 sound off的解释 sound off的发音 sound off的同义词

sound off [saund ɔf]  [saʊnd ɔf] 

sound off 基本解释


sound off 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. On most matters she's quite prepared to sound off without inhibition.

2. The boss wants less sounding off and more production.

sound off 网络解释

1. 奏序曲:sound note 声音附注 | sound off 奏序曲 | sound out 试探

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 充分而直率地发表意见(美国口语):sound economic management 良好的经济管理 | sound off 充分而直率地发表意见(美国口语) | Sound System 音响系统

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 依次报数:Sound off!|大家依次报数! | Sound off!|依次报数! | Pezzulo!|佩祖罗!

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 大家依次报数:My legs!|我的腿! | Sound off!|大家依次报数! | Sound off!|依次报数!

sound off 词典解释

1. (未经邀请)慷慨陈词
    If someone sounds off, they express their opinions strongly and rather rudely without being asked.

    e.g. It is surprising how many people start sounding off about something without really deciding what they think about it.

sound off 单语例句

1. The ones I hate the most are those that only have sound and make me think someone is shooting off a cannon.

2. More Chinese are looking to celebrate the holiday in a more environmentally sound fashion, setting off fewer fireworks and reducing food waste during family meals.

3. But those are just bells and whistles for Stone and writers Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff to sound off on Wall Street chicanery.

4. In their stead are electronic sensors that switch lights on and off at the sound of clapping or footsteps.

5. Further up the track rocks fall, cracking like pistol shots as the sound echoes off the steep valley sides.

6. New habits of international merit need to be cultivated to restore the esteem of China's new cultural creators who profit off a previously sound tradition.

7. A train whistle is about 100 dB, while the sound of an aircraft taking off can reach 130 dB.

8. It may sound like a scene from a riot, but the participants in Guangzhou's First Decompression Festival are just letting off a little steam.

9. But those on the trains are generally unwatchable because the signals go on and off and there is no sound.

10. It has already got off to a sound beginning by opening the Shanghai Gold Exchange in October 2002.

sound off 英英释义


1. express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness

    e.g. My mother complains all day
           She has a lot to kick about

    Synonym: complainkickplainquetchkvetch

2. express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation

    e.g. John spoke up at the meeting

    Synonym: opinespeak upspeak outanimadvert

3. start playing

    e.g. The musicians struck up a tune

    Synonym: strike up

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