
spawn是什么意思 spawn在线翻译 spawn什么意思 spawn的意思 spawn的翻译 spawn的解释 spawn的发音 spawn的同义词 spawn的反义词 spawn的例句

spawn [spɔ:n]  [spɔn] 


spawn 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(鱼、蛙等)大量产(卵); 引起,酿成


名词(鱼、蛙等的)子,卵; (裂殖菌类植物的)丝,菌; 产物,结果

spawn 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 卵:图1-10 功用:产卵(Spawn)会在现有的粒子基础上生成新的粒子,每个新生成的粒子都具有与其父粒子相同的位置和形状. 分散后的粒子可以重新调整速度和分布方式. 如果将分散测试线接到另一个事件,分散后的粒子会被发送到该事件,并...

2. spawn在线翻译

2. 产卵:功用:产卵(Spawn)会在现有的粒子基础上生成新的粒子,每个新生成的粒子都具有与其父粒子相同的位置和形状. 分散后的粒子可以重新调整速度和分布方式. 如果将分散测试线接到另一个事件,分散后的粒子会被发送到该事件,

3. 繁衍:此次发行的WindowsScript版本包含WindowsScriptHost对象模型(ObjectModel)的改入,命令列加强,繁衍(Spawn)处理的扩充支持和改进的引数处理. 同时还支持多语言密码设定. 如果想要完整的功能,还是需要注册才行.

spawn 词典解释

1. (鱼、蛙等产下的)卵,子,卵块
    Spawn is a soft, jelly-like substance containing the eggs of fish, or of animals such as frogs.

    e.g. ...her passion for collecting frog spawn.

2. (鱼、蛙等)产卵
    When fish or animals such as frogs spawn, they lay their eggs.

    e.g. ...fish species like salmon and trout which go upstream, spawn and then die...
    e.g. The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground.

3. 产生;造成;引起
    If something spawns something else, it causes it to happen or to be created.


    e.g. Tyndall's inspired work spawned a whole new branch of science...
    e.g. He wrote 54 crime novels, which spawned both movies and television shows.
           他写了 54 部侦探小说,很多被改编成了电影和电视剧。

spawn 单语例句

1. Israel was watching the carnage closely, concerned the clashes might spawn attacks on its southern border.

2. They are famous for different cooking tastes and what impresses people most is the traditional crab spawn dumplings and shrimp roe noodles.

3. Oysters that do not spawn are not subject to this cycle and are edible all year round with no loss in size or flavor.

4. The fish usually gather at the mouth of the Yangtze River in east China and every Spring swim upstream to spawn.

5. Wild puffer fish is available only in March and April, when they swim upstream to spawn in the rivers.

6. But the cash incentives to spawn new citizens may already be too late.

7. Abject poverty and unfairness have helped spawn extremism and violence of all forms.

8. But many fishers set up their nets on the migration path and catch the fish before they arrive at the middle reaches to spawn.

9. Liu said the international fight against terrorism is still in a precarious state, as the conditions that spawn terrorists have yet to be eliminated.

10. The carp would only start to spawn upstream when the water levels rose.

spawn 英英释义


1. the mass of eggs deposited by fish or amphibians or molluscs


1. lay spawn

    e.g. The salmon swims upstream to spawn

2. call forth

    Synonym: engenderbreed

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